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New Sauce!

Hey All,

I made some sauce this weekend. The ingredients are:

2 lbs of peach habanero, tobago seasoning, datil, and fatalii
lime juice

I didn't seed these, because I wasn't too concerned with the amount of seeds in chinense peppers. Some may disagree, but I didn't feel like that much labor was worth it. And the fruit takes a back seat in this recipe, and the pepper flavor and heat are the major components. There is just enough fruit to round it out just a little. The result is a really nice, thick, and smooth sauce! Did I mention that it is REALLY HOT?!

Great looking sauce Steve. I made something similar i.e. mango hab. The fruit truly compliments the chile's. Sadly I no longer use mango as I am mildly allergic to them.

Salute', TB.