white hot jalapenos

Hi I am new to this site and am hoping to find out if any one has ever grown all white Jalapeno peppers.
I planted six plants this spring and all of them produced nice dark green fruit exempt for one. The peppers on this plant are the same shape,just a little smaller, but are pure white, not sure if this is just a different type of pepper plant or if I have some kind of albino mutation, Any Thoughts?
welcome, Sprinkyrob.

I see you did find the image posting thread. Hope that helps. You may want to re-post your question in the Pepper Growing section. This is the Welcome section and your question may be missed by the growers who might be able to answer for you.

Good Luck, I'm interested to hear more about this white jalapeno also.

Hope you enjoy the forum!

:welcome: from CT. That white jalapeno sounds really cool. I haven't heard of an 'albino' trait in peppers, as a true albino plant would die very early in its life since it would have white leaves too! I've seen this in corn and it looks like the worst N deficiency you've ever seen... pure white leaves that can barely photosynthesize if at all. Pretty weird.

There are a few strains out there with white pods but they are a bit rare, and a white jalapeno would be news to me. It could be a hybrid with a white-podded plant that produced white pods, or it could be an 'accident' where it was misnamed? One thing's for sure we would all love to see pictures and if it's a true white jalapeno you should save seeds and keep growing it! Every seed won't give you white jalapenos next year, but over a few seasons you can breed it to a stable white jalapeno by taking seeds from the plants that do grow white. Can't wait to see pics!
Just did a google search and found this. Is this what you have?
