
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
I've ordered from PepperLover a few times! Great site, easy to browse, wonderful Trinidad varieties along with everything else. She also throws in some freebies as well, which is always fun! Great seed source, and love doing business with PepperLover!!!
Jamison said:
I've ordered from PepperLover a few times! Great site, easy to browse, wonderful Trinidad varieties along with everything else. She also throws in some freebies as well, which is always fun! Great seed source, and love doing business with PepperLover!!!
good freebies unlike some *cough cough serrano*
I ordered from Pepperlover last Friday after getting discouraged about some of my pepper plants this year.  I ordered from another company, and nothing I've planted from them is growing true to what they are supposed to be.  So after reading all the threads here, I ordered from Pepperlover- and they already arrived today! I'm super excited, and the extras that were put in my package were ones that I was considering anyway, but decided not to.
I'm already a fan.  I can't wait to grow these.
In addition to my order of White ghost peppers, Judy threw some red, orange, and purple ghost pepper seeds. And this is when I discovered that scarcely 10 days after planting some of her Moruga seeds, fully half of them have germinated thus far, with several more sure to come in the next few days!
Got pods? Judy does! 

Sorry for the blur - was in a hurry to bag 'em up & get 'em into the freezer while I've still got it set to lowest setting (for quicker freezing)
I ordered the Yellow & Red Scotch Bonnets above for prototyping - not only did I get more than the 2 lbs of each that I ordered, to my absolute surprise & delight I found a box of Peruvian Habaneros in one box, and a box of "black congos" in the other - so psyched to start prototyping with these! Thanks Pepperlover! Gorgeous pods and the best prices I've ever seen. 
I cannot recommend Pepperlover enough if you're looking for pods right now. Her selection, price and customer service are all tremendous.   :woohoo:
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Got pods? Judy does! 

Sorry for the blur - was in a hurry to bag 'em up & get 'em into the freezer while I've still got it set to lowest setting (for quicker freezing)
I ordered the Yellow & Red Scotch Bonnets above for prototyping - not only did I get more than the 2 lbs of each that I ordered, to my absolute surprise & delight I found a box of Peruvian Habaneros in one box, and a box of "black congos" in the other - so psyched to start prototyping with these! Thanks Pepperlover! Gorgeous pods and the best prices I've ever seen. 
I cannot recommend Pepperlover enough if you're looking for pods right now. Her selection, price and customer service are all tremendou
Absolutely amazing!  Great looking pods and I'm sure that it was Judy's traditional outstanding service.  She sets the bar awfully high!  I'm going to have to get in on this!  She's extras on seeds . . . now she's sending extras on pods.  Good gravy, what's next?
Anyone know if they still sell the powders?
I checked the site and couldn't see them anymore...   I last bought a big baggie of pepper powder a while back, but have not been back in a while since I've been more in to growing my own stuff and heavier in to the sauces again....
The Powders were pretty good the last couple times I got them... but like I say I can't see them anymore on the site...
If anyone knows of dried ground insanely hot pepper powders of equivalent quality, let me know...  if they still sell them here also let me know.. I may need to restock soon
Zokambaa said:
Anyone know if they still sell the powders?
I checked the site and couldn't see them anymore...   I last bought a big baggie of pepper powder a while back, but have not been back in a while since I've been more in to growing my own stuff and heavier in to the sauces again....
The Powders were pretty good the last couple times I got them... but like I say I can't see them anymore on the site...
If anyone knows of dried ground insanely hot pepper powders of equivalent quality, let me know...  if they still sell them here also let me know.. I may need to restock soon
From it seems you may still order powders:
Want dry pods?.... we will dry them from you… or powders… just name the variety and the way you like it sent out.. We will do it…
She's said to me more times than I can count "I don't care about money I just want you to be happy and have great pods"

I 100% believe her. Sometimes her pods cost more or less, depending on time of year & supply, but it's always a fair deal. And yeah -$10-12/lb + free shipping is nuts!

I usually send a few dollars extra to cover get PayPal fees, and gladly so.
Got my order in from pepperlover!
I ordered fatalii, devil's tongue, red bhut, and aji amarillo.
Here are some pod shots.
First the Red Bhut:

Looks like a cross to me.  Can anybody identify it? Maybe a red bhut x orange hab x hot portugal? If it helps, it did not have much heat.
The fataliis did not disappoint though.  Look at how HUGE these pods are!  This is my first time trying fatalii.  It had the much talked about citrus taste that I was looking for:

OK.  So I had to break up the 8094390 posts on how great pepperlover is as a seller.  If you are reading through this thread and made it this far to see whether you should order from pepperlover or not, just order already.
I ordered 4 sfrbs and arrived 6 sfrbs (2 sfrbs tossed in for free).  Orded red bhut, fatalli, devil's tongue, and aji amarillo, and also arrived 7 pot and charlestons for free.  For those of you playing the home game, thats a whole mfrb of pods.
Here is what came by my way (for real this time...I promise):

And my pods:

Couldn't be happier.  Except for knowing that there are a lot of types of peppers still left on the site that I haven't ordered........yet.
I got mine today also. It's a bit overwhelming seeing 10 boxes of peppers. Just had my first Aji Amarillo, I liked it, The tase was very nice and I could handle the heat easily (I'm still a noob). Just checked, my nesco should be here tomorrow.
Thanks Judy!