• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Growing My German Giants

So a friend of mine (Gnomepunter) has been growing Peppers for a while and has gotten me interested in it as well, but I don't want to grow peppers with him but would rather grow tomatoes for use in salsa and sauce collaboration with him. I'm fairly new to this and have a some basic stuff.

What I got:

16 German Giant
16 Count Jiffy Tomato Pellets
2.25 lbs Miracle Grow Tomato Food
Moderate Amount of Time

So yeah, what now? lol
Ok. A few videos and articles later I have an idea. Watering, sunlight, etc. I read about staking but got to thinking that all the videos I've watched are for Medium to Large varieties, not the Extra Large like Im growing.

Of course the concept is the same and all I have to do is observe and compensate as needed.

But if anyone can think of anything they learned the hard, it would be appreciated to have that shared ahead of time. Lol