• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Purple filaments and styles (aka sexy time flower parts)

Hello all,

I've got a cayenne plant growing this year that's doing pretty well, but the first flower it put out turn out to be a little strange...though not in a bad way. The plant itself is doing just fine, but the flower wound up having purple flower parts. I don't know if any of the other flowers on this plant have it, because they haven't bloomed yet. This one, however, did turn into a nice pod which is currently growing (picture taken 5/23).


(sorry for Mr. Blurrycam, my camera kinda sucks)

So, anybody ever seen anything like this before? My brief google search only revealed a ganja forum, which was mostly a bunch of people talking about how much more "sticky" one guy's plant would because he had some purple flower parts.

Not really sure that will help my peppers...anyway, I just thought I'd share.