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Jumbo Pumpkin

I tried one in dwc on the tail end of the last season and it flowered but never produced a pumpkin.

So this season I've started early and my vine is going nuts! and I've had 4 female flowers come out. So far one didn't polinate and the second one may or may not be polinated now, it looks a bit yellow for my liking, I think maybe its being aborted. I'm still hoping its going to swell up soon. I've got another two coming that havn't opened yet.
Here is the vine and suspect female flower.

ok maybe I'm getting a little bit excited! I think it might have been polinated!
Its swelling up a bit! Comparing it to the last photo I can see easliy now that its getting bigger. The pumpkin is now wider than the base of the flower!!
Hope this year will be more successful for you! That pumpkin sure seems to be set. I dont have the space to grow pumpkins, tried last year in my greenhouse and it totally outgrew all the space I had, only produced one pumpkin which didnt have time to ripen
thanks mate! I hope so too! Yes these pumpkins get a very long vine! and grow very quickly! I dont really have alot of space for vines this long I'm going for it anyway!
Starting to get a little weight on it now!!
I've made some shade for it because we are having a heat wave right now and our sun is harsh...I dont want the melon to get burnt skin or anything like that.
I've also tried getting some we soil under the vine where the new roots come out, I figure if I can get some extra nutrients into it from right behind the pumpkin it might help it get bigger.
I tihnk the heatwave may have made my pumpkin abort!! looked like it stopped growing a couple of days ago and today it feels a little soft to touch.
I guess it can only handle so many days in a row of 40degrees c.
how disapointing
I tihnk the heatwave may have made my pumpkin abort!! looked like it stopped growing a couple of days ago and today it feels a little soft to touch.
I guess it can only handle so many days in a row of 40degrees c.
how disapointing

That must be so annoying, was expecting that to stay on and ripen up! Sure can imagine 40c would kill the plant in the long run.
I'm a bit heart broken! I was really excited for this pumpkin! I can only hope I get some more female flowers pollinated in time to have a pumpkin before the end of the season.
well thats it! it came off the vine! 1.2kg.
Looks like I might have a viable female flower coming up in a few days so I hope I can get that one polinated.

I've had poor luck with regular pumpkins, but did pretty good with Lumina pumpkins last year. Send me a PM and I may have some seeds ready to send here soon.
are Luminas fairly resistant to extreme heat?

Fingers crossed!!!! I might have a jumbo pumpkin on the way!
Sort of ...maybe...I didn't have any jumbo pumpkin male flowers ready to polinate ....so I cross polinated with male flowers from my tri amble pumpkins. I dont know if such a thing is even possible...but I didnt want to waste a female flower.
Its swelling up....but I dont know if its just teasing me like last time.

We had a few hot days, nothing like Australia, though. The vines grew good among my watermelons, but they really took off when it cooled off some. Luminas don't get very big though, about 10 or 15 pounds max.
Good luck with that new one! Looks good so far.
Pumpkins cross pollinate pretty easily most of the time, so you should be good to go.
We had a few hot days, nothing like Australia, though. The vines grew good among my watermelons, but they really took off when it cooled off some. Luminas don't get very big though, about 10 or 15 pounds max.
Good luck with that new one! Looks good so far.
Pumpkins cross pollinate pretty easily most of the time, so you should be good to go.
I really hope so! all i wanted for christmas was a jumbo pumpkin!
Plant looks healthy so you should get a few more chances by the end of the season --

Here's a pic of mine from this year

- it got to right around 250 Lbs in our heat here in southwest Texas so they can survive the heat - the hard part is getting them pollinated as they tend to abort if it gets too hot within a day or so of pollination - many growers have some luck placing a styrofoam ice chest over the flower (cut a couple holes for the vine to pass under ) with a couple frozen 2 liter soda bottles filled with water and then frozen to keep the temp near the flower down for a day or 2 after pollinating.
Im very jealous of your pumpkin!!!! my last one just aborted
I might have to try something like that!! every time I polinate a flower we get some super hot days! I was about ready to give up...but the next viable flower I get I'm going to try the styrofoam ice chest thing.
Since the vine thought it had a viable flower going all the other new female flowers that came out have been turning yellow straight away, looks like I'm going to have to wait a while for a new flower.
Im very jealous of your pumpkin!!!! my last one just aborted
I might have to try something like that!! every time I polinate a flower we get some super hot days! I was about ready to give up...but the next viable flower I get I'm going to try the styrofoam ice chest thing.
Since the vine thought it had a viable flower going all the other new female flowers that came out have been turning yellow straight away, looks like I'm going to have to wait a while for a new flower.

Figure bring a couple male flowers that are ready to open inside and place the stem in a glass of water the evening before the female bloom opens then go out early in the AM (right around sunrise or just before ) and if needed help the bloom open and use the males to pollinate then place a couple bottles of frozen water near the flower (preferably not in contact with it ) then make a couple tears up the sides of the ice chest to be able to place it over the vine covering the flower and the ice bottles - depending on the daytime temps you might need to change them once in the afternoon - repeat the swap for about 2 or even 3 days and it should help get it going. then just be sure to keep it watered well and it should be fine . Good luck and let us know how things shape up !
Figure bring a couple male flowers that are ready to open inside and place the stem in a glass of water the evening before the female bloom opens then go out early in the AM (right around sunrise or just before ) and if needed help the bloom open and use the males to pollinate then place a couple bottles of frozen water near the flower (preferably not in contact with it ) then make a couple tears up the sides of the ice chest to be able to place it over the vine covering the flower and the ice bottles - depending on the daytime temps you might need to change them once in the afternoon - repeat the swap for about 2 or even 3 days and it should help get it going. then just be sure to keep it watered well and it should be fine . Good luck and let us know how things shape up !
what is the reason for bringing in the male flowers over night?
I have been doing my polination before the sun comes up, that seems to be the right time just as the flower is opening
One of my problems for the last female flower was that I didn't have any male flowers ready to go. So I had to use flowers from different pumpkins. As the vine is getting older I'm getting more male flowers open at once so timing should be better for the next female flower.
The pumpkin gets very well watered, its hydroponic. Maybe even too watered! the root system is blocking up the water from going through the expanded clay, so the water level has been rising above the clay to get through. I'm going to put this thing on a timer so its a bit more of a flood and drain. more oxygen will help.

Thanks for your help JDFan!
I need to track down an ice chest that i can cut up!!