• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JustG grow log

Ontario Canada
Each year we grow a large variety of peppers. Most of them we sell as seedlings and keep a few nice specimans for ourselves.

We start the seeds in what we call the incubator. Its a large styrofoam box that holds 4 72 cell trays ( or 18 cell)
Currently the 18 cell trays have tomatoes. There is a heat matt on the bottom and a plastic face that covers the front to keep the heat in. It sits at 80-85 F


Currently germinating hot portugal, giant jalapeno, cayenne long, tomatoes

Once they have one or two sets of true leaves, they get transferred into the 18 cell trays and a larger holding area. We use T5 bulbs and have the entire area lined in white sheeting. It also has a heat matt in the bottom and cover that drops down to hold the heat in.

The larger area contains yellow and red bhuts, scorpions, scorption butch t, devil's tongue, tepin, peter peppers, 7 Pot.



Nice start. It looks like this isn't the first time you've done this.

Checks profile - ooh, a Canadian chilihead customs agent. You could be real popular around here. ;)
Hi no, not our first year... about the 4th.

it was a bit of a learning curve, but we're getting it down. We had previously relied heavily on bone meal, this year we have whole new mix we are trying out and so far so good. I had some bad luck last year, so can't wait to get these guys outside and growing. I know it's going to be a great year!

ps. I've been a member here since about the time I started growing, but I feel like I've finaly got it down to the point where I can share :)