Local Orange Habaneros -first 7 people

looks good! like a scotch bonnet shape coming on there.
i get all kinds of shapes too. all crosses now I don't thing you can get real habs from grocery stores anymore 

Heres a update. Just had these Mystery Habs pop today. I grew them as promised. Thanks again KingDeNNiz. Will add progress to my glog.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
 got these at my local store labeled as orange habaneros... obviously not.. heat is just like hab with a different taste...hard to describe.. first 7 people to post can get these seedsthat will ACTUALLY grow them. -D
Here they are growing. Thanks again KiNGDeNNiZ
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
loving it... mine got diseased.. (not thje seeds)  .. glad to see someones trying to grow these
Im going to transplant this week. There ready to take off. I think they will out grow my supers. We shall see. Will keep you up to date as progress improves. If I get pods, I will send some back to you.

Thanks again

Just picked some ripe pods. Ate two of them. Nice chinese smell. Crunchy and a hab after taste. No bitterness at all. I thought they didnt have any heat to them. After a minute my eyes started watering and the mouth burned. It had enough heat to give me a endorphin rush. A good solid burn for about 8 min. guessing.

As soon as I get some more mature pods, I'll send you some back Denniz.

Traditional looking pods like the ones you pictured

An in between pod formation

Dont know what those peppers are crossed with, but I like them. Will save some seeds and grow next year. I would like these for pickling. I could only imagine how much production I would have gotten if I would have thrown them in the raised bed like I planned.

Thanks again Denniz