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While potting up a tomato I lost the roots :(


I was trying to pot up a cherry tomato plant that was getting to be a decent size. I have been having problems getting the plant to stand up due to its extreme leggyness. Anyway, while I was moving it to a bigger pot it snapped right from the roots.

I moved it to the pot anyways and planted it quite deep hoping that it would grow new roots.

Is there hope? :oops:

Possibly. I've never rooted tomato clones, but I've done so with almost everything else.

Let us know if it worked!

If you remove most of the leaves from the plant, it'll slow it's growth while it grows roots. More energy will go towards root production than feeding foliage.
I had good luck with a leaf I cut off a tomato plant and stuck in potting soil (and kept heavily watered). It lived and grew, but without a heart, that's all it could do.

Make sure the soil contains ample moisture. Do not leave it in direct sun for few days...may be for 2 days leave it in complete shade. You should be fine.. :)
Tomatoes root very quickly just keep them out of direct sunlight. I had some suckers root in 4 days this year in straight water.
Tomatoes root very quickly just keep them out of direct sunlight. I had some suckers root in 4 days this year in straight water.

OK, this is good info. Thanks for the responses. I figured it might root just fine. Thanks for the sunlight and moisture tips. I might not have thought about this and did more damage than good.
I like to have some cloning aid (in my case: Clonex) handy in case a branch breaks off or sth like that.

I agree that tomatoe plants should be able to handle this as long as you keep them outta direct sunlight for a while!