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Check Out My Not Jigsaws (Updated Pics)

I purchased some Jigsaw plants from a recently departed vendor on this board (I'm sure many of you know who I'm talking about). Hey, they were on sale - how could I lose? I received 6 plants so frail, bent and translucent I didn't think any would survive. After lots of TLC, 5 plants pulled through. Yay, now I will have lots of Jigsaws to enjoy .... check'em out!

Looks like I now have 5 extra TSMB plants (or similar)! Any other ideas? We'll see for sure once they ripen up.
Yeah, could be a Primo - definitely in that scorpion/7 pot family. I'll get a better idea as more pods ripen. Not many are excited by the Jigsaw, but I was looking forward to making sauce and powder with it.
Hey, it could be worse ... it could have 5 bells or something similar!
hottoddy said:
 Not many are excited by the Jigsaw, but I was looking forward to making sauce and powder with it.
I am. Love the flavor. And Damn, they are hot. :fireball:
Sorry yours didn't grow true, that happens to most of us from time to time. I would bet Dale just made a slip up with the plant type. All the Jigsaw seeds he used (as far as I know) are straight from fatalii.net.
(Updated Pics)
I'm leaning more toward 7 Pot Brian Strain at this point. Only a few have tails, and none are really pronounced. So, I don't think they are Primos. Could also be TSMB but they all have quite a bit of "brain" quilting. Any thoughts?


Sad not to get any Jigsaws, but these are still very cool - especially since a lot of my other superhots are lagging this year.
Several of my red brains had tails like that on them this year. None of my morugas had that sort of a tail. Morugas and brains taste very different in my opinion, and also have a very different heat profile. In general I have found that Morugas have a slower build up of heat before it begins hitting hard, whereas brains hit hard from the start and the burn doesn't seem to last quite as long. Both are extremely hot... I'm not sure which one is hotter... depends on the day and the pod consumed.