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fermenting Fermenting advice

Hey everyone, 
I'm in the middle of fermenting my first hot sauce. It's been going for a little over two weeks now and I've noticed that it is starting to separate. Is this normal? Should I stir it? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
In my little experience that I have from being on this path.
From those pics it looks like its just being pushed up from the carbon dioxide being pooped out by the bacteria. Which means that it is active. Eventually it will drop back down which means the bacteria that are actively eating the sugars are done feasting. Then the real meld of flavor and taste occur. Which is why people leave their ferments going for months, to achieve a different flavor profile for the active ferment has subsided.
Someone with more experience can correct me if I am wrong.
There is a stickied thread about fermenting. Check it out and good luck!!!
Sirex hit it pretty good for ya.  Rise (and subsequent fall) of mash is normal.  Agree with the advice to check out the fermenting thread.  Rocketman and Chilimonsta are excellent resources around here. Good luck!   :)
Yep; looks good.
Keep the lid on it until you're ready to process; NO STIRRING lol.
Next time, you might want to fill your jar just a little bit more; say another 1/2 to 1 inch. That way there'll be less oxygen to be displaced by the Co2 layer.
Let us know how it comes out!
definitely check out the Fermenting 101 thread, follow the guidelines there for burping etc, keep oxygen out, rise/fall of pulp is normal, some people swirl their small jars to work the pulp back down under the liquid level on a daily basis for the first week or so~.  The off-gassing (:lol: just made that correlation to what y'all call the bacteria pooping gasses... :lol: ) of the fermentation tends to make pulp float in the liquid. 
It's looking good, Have Fun!!!
Thanks everyone for the advice!! I definitely feel a lot better knowing that it's on the right track. I'll for sure check out Fermenting 101. I'll let you guys know how the sauce turns out. It should be a hot one. It's a combination of Ghost & Scorpions. 
Thanks again!!