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if I'm using air lock jars, how do i make a ferment without a starter? i want it to be a natural oxygen ferment. If you open the jar once a day to stir the mash is that enough oxygen to get the ferment happening? Any advice would be appreciated.......
one more thing, what is the salt to mash ratio for the most part. say i have a pound of pepper mash....
thanks brothers!!
If you do a natural Oxygen ferment your going to have a moldy mess that isn't fit for consumption. The fermentation process we use is a closed one, which traps the CO2 produced by the good LAB and protects the mash from the nasties taking hold. These bacteria occure naturally on the peppers and you can do a natural "Wild" ferment with them. Just follow the procedures in the Fermenting 101 except don't add any starter. Your salt should be between 6 and 8 percent by weight.
