• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Duston 2015 Glog

This year is my first year that I am going all in. I've helped with the family garden in the past but I would say I am pretty new to peppers for the most part. I've done a lot of research in the past few months regarding next year's approach. Here's what I have came up with so far:
  • I am planning on growing roughly 120 pepper plants of differing breeds and heat levels. Roughly 50% of the plants with be Jalapeno or lower for the rest of the family and friends.
  • I am planning on doing a the bulk of the plants in the garden.
  • As an experiment I am toying with 1 plant in DWC (5 gallon bucket), 1 plant in "fogponics" (5 gallon bucket) and 6 plants in a DIY low pressure aeroponics system (27 gallon tote). I may scrap the "fogponics" idea mainly because I'm not hearing good reviews about it and go with a drip or DTW.
  • I'd like to put the hydro outdoors to avoid having to upgrade my light old T8 light fixtures. I'm going to take measures to mitigate temperature issues in the summer. I'm still research that... 
  • Also, I plan on overwintering a few of my favorite plants to get a jump on 2016.
Here's my grow list for 2015:
7 Pot / Trinidad Douglah
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow
7 Pot Bubblegum
Bhut Jolokia
Big Sun Habanero
California Wonder Bell
Carolina Reaper 
Cheiro Recife
Chocolate Habanero
Early Jalapeno
Fatalii Yellow
Fort Knox Hybrid Bell
Inca Red Drop
Long Red Slim Cayenne
Magnum Orange Habanero
Mako Akokasrade
Prik Chi Faa
Santa Fe Grande
Scotch Bonnet Yellow
Tangerine Dream
Tequila Sunrise
Thai Dragon
Tobago Seasoning
Trinidad Chocolate Scorpion
Trinidad Congo
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
I started germinating my Capsicum Chinense seeds via the ziplock/paper towel method. Most of those seeds were started on 1/18 with the exception of Mako Akokasrade and Tobago Seasoning which I received after I started the others. The Mako Akokasrade and Tobago Seasoning seeds were started on 1/20. 
On 1/26 I planted 4 varieties (7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow, Cheiro Recife, Magnum Orange Habanero, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion) that sprouted into pre-soaked expanded peat disks. I planted 2 or 3 sprouted seeds in each disk to attempt to avoid an empty disk if a seed fails to pop through the surface.
On 1/28 I noticed I had 4 other varieties (7 Pot / Trinidad Douglah, 7 Pot Bubblegum, Bhut Jolokia, Scotch Bonnet Yellow) that had 1 seed that had sprouted well ahead of the other seeds in the ziplock. I decided they would be the lucky ones to get to be part of the hydro experiment. They got moved over to some pre-soaked rockwool. 
I'll keep everyone updated on my progress.
Very cool list of peppers you have there.Good luck to you on your grow!Are you trying different grow methods because you just want to see the varying results if any or which turns out to be the best all around for you or...
Exactly mpicante. I am just trying to figure out what works best for me in my area with a shorter growing season than you guys out in Cali. This year is going to be a big learning experience for me I'm sure. 
dustonj2008 said:
Exactly mpicante. I am just trying to figure out what works best for me in my area with a shorter growing season than you guys out in Cali. This year is going to be a big learning experience for me I'm sure.
Your climate is about the same as me. Should be able to grow pretty much anything as long as no super early freeze or anything.
Thanks D3monic! So far I haven't really found a pepper that I don't like. Granted I am pretty new to non-commercial varieties. I am looking forward to trying all of these pods out this fall in some shape or form.
dustonj2008 said:
Exactly mpicante. I am just trying to figure out what works best for me in my area with a shorter growing season than you guys out in Cali. This year is going to be a big learning experience for me I'm sure. 
sounds good the very best of luck to you.I'm also experimenting with germination,I have seeds in seed starting mix,some in soil(organic),and some on coffee filters,I recently saw a post showing rock wool so I'll try that next season.Experiments are fun and interesting!!!
So after getting a little overzealous with the heating pad I lost most of my first batch of seeds. :-( But thanks to the helpful/generous folks here on THP I was able to get some reinforcements and beef up my varieties list. You guys are awesome! 
So with round two I decided to skip the ziplock method and sow in peat pillets after soaking the seeds for several hours. Most of the second batch was sown from 1/31 - 2/5. With my heating mat with thermostat set to 85 max I am having a LOT better luck this time around! Lesson officially learned. 

I have 7 different varieties popping through in roughly a week. :-) 
I just ordered a Hydrofarm T5 HO EnviroGro 4Ft 8 Tube Fixture from Woot. I'm excited to get that big fella installed and see how much better the seedlings respond. My two T8 fixtures aren't exactly the brightest. 
I got my new light fixture installed on 2/12.

Seeds are popping like crazy

I did have a few survivors from my first seed batch. I really thought all hope was gone for all of them but two varieties ended up making it

7 Pot Bubblegum (only 2 survivors for seed batch 1)

Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (3 survivors for seed batch 1)

I got a Naga Brain Chocolate with triple cotyledons. I thought that was interesting.
So I've been slacking on my updates. My apologies. 
I am definitely learning a lot this year. Lessons learned so far:
  • Fight the urge to over love my ladies. I am fairly confident I was over water for the first few weeks. I've noticed a better response the last couple weeks when I stopped overwatering like a spaz.
  • Peat pellets aren't my favorite... It seems that as soon as I potted up from peat pellets to 18 oz solo cups in soil everything took off
  • I should of potted up earlier from the 72 pellet trays. I didn't realize that I had some many roots out of the bottom of the pellets until I took them out of the tray. 
  • I don't like the paper towel/ziplock method of germination. I cooked my first batch of seeds. Also, I don't like having to constantly check each individual bag for sprouts. It can be time consuming when you have a large amount of varieties. Direct sow is more my speed because it's more of a set it and forget it.
  • T5HO lights are significantly warmer than my old T8s. At about 4" from the canopy my min/max thermometer was reading in the mid to high 90s. Keep in mind this is in a basement so it's cooler down there than the rest of the house. At about 6" off of the canopy I've maintained consistent 70s. I also got some major purpling when the T5HOs were 4" off the canopy. After I pushed back to 6" the purpling stopped.
  • Seedlings started in rockwool seem to need diluted nutes out the gate. Once I switch from water to diluted nutes my hydro plants took off.
I potted up the majority on 2/24 into 18 oz Solo cups filled with pre-moistened Happy Frog potty soil (I believe that's the brand I grabbed. I will double check when I get home). Here's some few shots of the girls:
Group shot of the best looking soil plants

7 Pot Primo Red 2/28

7 Pot Primo Red 3/9

Star of Turkey 2/28

Star of Turkey 3/9

Paper Lantern Hab 2/28

Paper Lantern Hab 3/9
Just applied my first batch of compost tea to soil peppers. I used the recipe on the sticky with the exception of fresh grass clippings since essentially there was still snow covering my yard when I started the batch. It seemed to froth up pretty damn good. Actually a little too good as it overflowed out the top of the 5 gallon bucket onto the floor.
Here's a group shot of girls this morning 3/16

They seem to be perking up already since applying the compost tea last night. I'm interested to see how a healthier soil web impacts my girls.