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Hot sauce lablel for friends and family.

I'll be making a few batches of hot sauce for family and friends. Since my girls are into day of dead sugar skulls, hell any type of skull, they have them on their phones, backpacks, clothes, ipad cases, stickers on just about everything. I thought I would make up a label, using a sugar skull image. Looking forwards to seeing what my girls think about it when I finally get around to making the sauce. Thought I would show my fellow chili heads the label I came up with.

Wow.  My home canning labels are usually a sharpie on a lid.  That looks frigging great.  BTW: It is not just your daughter.  For what ever reason the whole skull face thing is popular again.
Looks great... I like it!   :twisted:
You definitely had me at 'Brainstrain peppers'....tasty looking ingredients list for sure, has me imagining what it would be like. Here's to it being a great success!  :cheers:
Looks good!
Whats a devils prye?  Prey? Pyre?  And should there be an apostrophe?  When I first looked at it I did a dyslexic thing and read it as Devil's Pyre...
PS- no lawyers will be on retainer at the NWCF...;)   :lol:
Thank you all for your comments, And salsa lady.. thank you for catching my spelling error it should be pyre and not prye...
I wasn't sure if it was an error, there's lots of words I've never heard of.  People have included phrases or references to mythical things and stuff out of video games.  Others know what it is, I don't have a clue~  :lol:
I like Devil's Pyre, definitely gets heat into the name.  
I like the name as well,  I had not printed any of the labels yet so that was a good thing. now I just need to find time to make the sauce. I have been working 12-14 hour shifts 6 days a week  for the last few weeks so sleep seems to take up most of my free time. But I do Hope I have time to make it before NWCF.. At least that's my plan!