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The mystery continues....now in color

Been trying to ID this pepper. It's planted and labeled as a chocolate habanero but obviously it isn't chocolate nor is it hanbanero. I didn't plant anything that would be similar to this...chocolate bhut is the only thing that I have that is similar in shape but I only have one plant. I got a package of seeds from here early in the year and there's lots of confusion in my garden right now...things growing up to be not what they are supposed to be...just trying to get things sorted so I can save seeds and know what I have.
Now that it's colored up, any ideas?
laynlow said:
Definitely looks Bhut-ish to me. 
I agree looks just like my bhuts.

[edit] Added pic. [/edit]
The calyx is much broader than the calyx on the bhut pictured in post # 4.
The_DoGMaN said:
I agree looks just like my bhuts.

[edit] Added pic. [/edit]
I wonder if this may be an accidental hybrid with a Capsicum annuum. I don't know if the trait for C. annuum calyces is dominant or recessive... i'm only guessing. I think the "cl" gene (which predicates a 'chocolate' instead of a 'red' color upon ripening) is recessive (there's a neato text download from the Nex Mexico Chili Institute on this worth perusing... but my education level is challenged by referring to it).
Some of the folk here (ie.: Robstar) have much more taxonomic info.

Looks nifty, though. I'm as interested as anyone else in how it tastes!