• Politics are not permitted. There's plenty of places to discuss that elsewhere, and a hot pepper forum is not the place. Thank you for respecting the community!

Pepper experts and celebrities?

If you have been around for any time, you know there are certain names that are very well known in the pepper genre of online forums and facebook pages.  Celebrities almost.  Many thought to be pepper experts.  I just ran into one of the experts who claims DNA will prove that most of the Trinidad peppers come from China.  As many people know, the term chinense in the name of many peppers comes from a mistake made by a botanist many hundred years ago.

I am no expert.  Not trying to say oh look at me or anyone else for that matter.  Just wondering why it is that the more I read statements made by so many pepper celebrities, the so called experts, why is it that I keep finding more and more that the things they say are often complete bunk?  Contrast that to everyday forum members here at THP who more often than not hit the nail right on the head, providing very useful and accurate information.

It is really weird.
ajdrew said:
If you have been around for any time, you know there are certain names that are very well known in the pepper genre of online forums and facebook pages.  Celebrities almost.  Many thought to be pepper experts.  I just ran into one of the experts who claims DNA will prove that most of the Trinidad peppers come from China.  As many people know, the term chinense in the name of many peppers comes from a mistake made by a botanist many hundred years ago.

I am no expert.  Not trying to say oh look at me or anyone else for that matter.  Just wondering why it is that the more I read statements made by so many pepper celebrities, the so called experts, why is it that I keep finding more and more that the things they say are often complete bunk?  Contrast that to everyday forum members here at THP who more often than not hit the nail right on the head, providing very useful and accurate information.

It is really weird.
People get famous when stuff they say causes controversy. Things that are complete bullshit cause controversy. Thus people with wrong information get famous and cause others to hear it. This is especially bad in scientific communities, which pepper diversity would be.


cruzzfish said:
People get famous when stuff they say causes controversy. Things that are complete bullshit cause controversy. Thus people with wrong information get famous and cause others to hear it. This is especially bad in scientific communities, which pepper diversity would be.
So when Opra tells us who to vote for we should ignore her?  Why weren't you in my live 7 years ago?

Seriously, I have been a Mother Earth News reading type most of my adult life.  Took to home steading and became a farmers market type about a decade ago.  But it wasnt until last year about this time that I really started to pay any attention to forums very much and only now paying any attention to facebook pages much.

Previously, knew the names of people and companies by their catalogs, advertisements, and web sites.  But never read what some of the folk say in forums and on pages. Now i have to figure their customer base does not participate in those forums and pages because oh damn they often say the goofiest things.  Some of it is even more than goofy.  Some of the things I am reading are flat over the top insane.

Not going to point fingers or identify any of the specific insanity, but consider who just said that.  Not like I am wrapped all that tight myself.  And yet I visit a facebook page or two and wounder if capsicum does not cause brain damage.  Damn...
I used to love Mother Earth News but stopped the subscription when they started printing half articles and then directing you to the website to finish the article.  
SmokeFire, being a reader from the way back you might have noticed what I have.  They seem to have moved away from how to build it articles to where to buy it articles.  it does seem like they are aiming more and more to the backyard chicken types than the off grid build your own home types lately.

SalsaLady, certainly they could have phrased it better but some of the insanity i have read is so over the top it is unreal.  A very well established name in seeds once indicated that tomato do not cross pollinate.  Same person indicated Trinidad peppers all come from China.  Uh ye, bees do not exist and Trinidad is in China.  Not media misquotes, which are often even more insane, these are things they say in forums where they are about worshiped for their horrible information.

I guess what is really weird is the fandom.  I never understood it in sports teams and i certainly do not understand it in peppers.  Fan of a pepper, a salsa, a hot sauce, i can understand these things.  But the fandom is centered around people.  It is very odd
personally I think you died a long time ago and the only thing keeping your corpse animated is feeding off drama. 
D3monic, cut a guy some slack.  Have been on THP for a bit, but the stuff I am seeing doesn't seem to happen here much.  A week or two ago, someone invited me to a facebook page.  Then people on that page invited me to other facebook pages.  Before that, I'd never really seen the fandom thing with peppers.  Sports teams sure, but this is peppers.  I could no more imagine it than i could imagine a lettuce community celebrity and his or her fans.  So while you have probably seen it grow and develop gradually, it is all smacking me in the face like like that kid on Home Alone using after shave for the first time.

Hell, just yesterday i learned that people wear guns while mowing the lawn. 
Did you end up on pepper wars? That's where all the bitter pepper homos go to cry and blow eachother. Asshats like brad bishop and his junkies go there to promote their inflated self worth and belittle eachother.
D3monic, yes.  Pepper Wars was the first group someone invited me to.  i did not know who Brad Bishop was until i just now googled his name after you used it.  I do not remember him in that forum, but lots of people there as you described.  It was like a train wreck.  I could not look away.  It is where i got the idea for Satan's Butt Plug.  i figure if shit comes out peoples mouth, then food should go in the other end.

When I had enough, I started telling the moderator how limp his dick was.  He did not like that.