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shade Setting up shade cloth

So I'm looking into getting 30 or 40% cloth for my 5'x10'x16" raised bed. I've found plenty of retailers, but now I'm trying plan the layout. Thinking of going the pvc hoop style, but I'm stuck on height. How far away from the tops of my plants, which are averaging about 4' tall, would be ideal? They get full sun all day, running SE to NW lengthwise
You need to be able to walk under it. My shadehouse is 8 feet tall. Whether its a foot or 20 it will block out the same amount of sun.
Well I just mean for purposes of pollinator access, plants scraping the undersides of it etc.. With the bed being 16" tall, then the plants being around 4' on top of that, I'm thinking another 1-2' above the tallest point would be ok right? If I go the bowed pvc route, I may have to start a foot or two away from each side of the bed to avoid plants hitting the side slopes, or just frame it out to provide a flat overhead shade. Since it is a raised bed, the only time I would be under it is when tending/harvesting. Won't really be able to walk under it
Lots of good ways. A lot depends on how permanent or temporary you want it. I use the tallest one of these green metal posts (I think 6 foot). I have to bend a little going underneath, but it's not a problem. I like that it can be setup and taken down fast. They have holes and clips for heavy twine, which attaches to fabric fasteners on the shade cloth. It's only used on my direct sun area between late June to mid-August. When done, I dig up the posts and fold up the shade cloth for next year. I only need to replace the heavy twine.
I do it the cheap way. I have 8 different 5x5 sheets of 40 percent I just hang over tomato cage I pushed into the ground. I have most of my plants with cages. If they are stressed I will put on the shade cloth. When they don't need it I take it off. That simple. Also when a storm comes I can take the shade cloth off. That way your shade does not become a kite. You can buy 6 foot wide shade cloth at any length on eBay with uv blocker in the cloth.
This picture has been used (by myself) more times than I care to admit, so very sorry for the reposts to those who have seen it before...
This was very easy to do. Drive four (about 3ft long) pieces of rebar into the ground leaving about 2 feet exposed and slip the PVC over it. NO need to drive the PVC into the ground. If you angle the rebar, you will be able to create a tension in the posts that help support during high winds.
Cost for this one was -- about 7-8x PVC pipes at 8+ft long, 4x 3-way corners, and 2x "T's"  and 4x 3-4ft lengths of rebar  -- super cheap

Here is a smaller one, covering a 2'x2' raised bed
This one, I drilled the rebar straight up and down but in the smaller footing, creating this arc in the PVC. This has lasted for three years and running strong so far


Just some ideas beyond a standard hoop-house. I have both, and my hoop-house limits my plants when they're right next to the side walls and they get tall.
mrgrowguy said:
This picture has been used (by myself) more times than I care to admit, so very sorry for the reposts to those who have seen it before...
This was very easy to do. Drive four (about 3ft long) pieces of rebar into the ground leaving about 2 feet exposed and slip the PVC over it. NO need to drive the PVC into the ground. If you angle the rebar, you will be able to create a tension in the posts that help support during high winds.
Cost for this one was -- about 7-8x PVC pipes at 8+ft long, 4x 3-way corners, and 2x "T's"  and 4x 3-4ft lengths of rebar  -- super cheap

Here is a smaller one, covering a 2'x2' raised bed
This one, I drilled the rebar straight up and down but in the smaller footing, creating this arc in the PVC. This has lasted for three years and running strong so far

Just some ideas beyond a standard hoop-house. I have both, and my hoop-house limits my plants when they're right next to the side walls and they get tall.
I do remember seeing these pics, but I don't remember ever seeing the process. Good stuff. And I believe if it can handle your Pacific winds, it'll be able to handle my gulf winds. Thanks Brian
I did a quick google search and this sounds like what you have in mind.  Pool cover clips or clamps to secure. A couple feet clearance sounds fine. If you can secure  so you have easy access from one or both sides would be a plus. I use a similar set up in spring with plastic. I stapled 1 x 2 x 12' on the bottom edge of both sides for weight and ease for rolling up .

twilliams386 said:
I do remember seeing these pics, but I don't remember ever seeing the process. Good stuff. And I believe if it can handle your Pacific winds, it'll be able to handle my gulf winds. Thanks Brian
I'm at work - most of my pics stored on my home computer, and honestly will forget to do anything further once I get home, but here are a few pictures I have already in my photobucket account of my shade cloth adventures and processes...

















twilliams386 said:
That's awesome man. Never any problems with tearing or unraveling?
Nope, not at all. And I thought I would at least get tearing with the 40%, but it is going on 2 years with the same zipties still in place and no issues! (it's covering my cannabis plants right now :) ... It has been getting around)
NO idea where the 40% stuff was purchased, a friend gave me his extra, though I think he just got it on Amazon... The rest is done with shade cloth from Lowes (something like 75%, a little heavy, but it holds up very well)
mrgrowguy said:
Nope, not at all. And I thought I would at least get tearing with the 40%, but it is going on 2 years with the same zipties still in place and no issues! (it's covering my cannabis plants right now :) ... It has been getting around)
NO idea where the 40% stuff was purchased, a friend gave me his extra, though I think he just got it on Amazon... The rest is done with shade cloth from Lowes (something like 75%, a little heavy, but it holds up very well)
Haha yeah man I saw your plants on IG, Lookin gooooood! Sure wish Texas would hurry up.
Well good to know, guess I'll be trying to decide between all the different choices on Amazon this weekend. Thanks for the tips buddy!