Many mixed reviews on this pizza oven

But I have a way to make it work perfectly :)  .  I will put it on top of my Kamado Grill and heat it up then place a few coals around its inside perimeter and hocus pocus the perfect pizza. The complaints have been not hot enough - having to turn it every 15 seconds or the pizza burns. I think with my experience and pizza expertise :) lol this will work. I've asked Santa to put one under the tree this year. Plus I can always use it as a stand alone oven or a travel oven. 
P.S.- can you tell I'm OCD......................
wow terracotta?
terracotta? the red stuff...doesnt it absorb hella moisture?
you want actual refractory, silica and aluminum that dont expant hardly at all, or a ceramic that is fully glazed so as to not allow any moisture what so ever to enter...  when you heat a ceramic with moisture inside it they tend to crack, sometimes dramatically.
im not a ceramics guy... but i would bet a ham sandwich that this thing will be prone to cracking... but maby pizza oven fires are not that hot in the first place?
Savina, you're kinda the Bubba Blue of pizza, aren'tcha...?

...don't get me wrong, not a criticism....I hope my passions become so focused.....
stettoman said:
Savina, you're kinda the Bubba Blue of pizza, aren'tcha...?

...don't get me wrong, not a criticism....I hope my passions become so focused.....
queequeg152 said:
build your own thing imho. then you can pat your trouser bulge whenever people reflexively compliment  your pizza oven.
I went over my best friends house yesterday who is a retired welder and a handyman of sorts. He was considering making one years ago and after talking yesterday he might consider building one for both our houses. I'l let you know if that happens. 