• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JUR-Z Devil Kinda Sorta Not A Glog Yet For GIP

Well GIP made the point to say to me and i quote​
"people here like looking at pepper photos even if they seem like you used a potato for a lens :lol:"​
Because I am OCD and explained I need a better camera first...​
So, for GIP and others who just love pics regardless, i will do what i can till the new camera materializes...​
Before I move them out and replant them in red solo cups for the rest of their indoor life here are some pics of about 80 plants started 1st week of december and another 30 or so started mid january.. also my overwinters mixed with my herbs...​
I apologize, but i dont even have a zoom on this old camera phone...​
1st pic, my personal plants for this seasons crop of pods and seed stock both open and isolated this year:​
63+ varieties so far above ground 23 or so still waiting to germinate.. 19 germinating as i write this...​
over 100 before season starts​
Above ground so far....​
Reaper - Moruga - Douglah - Chocolate Bhutlah "crazy hot seeds shitty version" - Butch T - Naga Viper - Peach Ghost - Dorset Naga - 7 Pot Red Giant - 7 Pot Barrackpore - Bhutlah Scorpion - CP 115 - Chocolate Bhutlah SM - Apocalypse - MA Wartyx -​
MA Daisy Cutter - MA Faces - MA Purple Naga Viper - Pink Tiger - BBG7 x PDN - BBG7 Y x Moruga Yellow - BBG7 White -​
BBG7 Orange - BBG7 Chocolate - BBG Mamp - Bleeding Butch T - Bleeding Borg 9 - TSL x BBG7 Orange - Mini Peach Ghost -​
Mojo Scoundrel - Chocolate Brain Strain - Yellow Brain Strain - Red Brain Strain - Black Bhutlah Scorpion - 7 Pot Brown -​
Peter Pepper - Cayenne - CPR - BTR - Orange Long Tail Scorpion - Brazilian Moruga - Jigsaw Moruga - Kraken - Peach Naga -​
Big Mustard Mama - Big Black Mama - Big Yellow Mama - Big Red Mama - Bishop Crown - Chocolate Moruga - Mojo Red -​
Borg 9 - Rouge Noir - Mutant Candlelight - Chocolate Lava - Naga Brain Red - Red Savina -Scotch Brains - Jigsaw - TS Cardi -​
Brazilian Ghost - UBSC Brown - Chocolate Madballz​
They are a nice green in real life and the dark ones are near black... this camera phone picks up all the yellow though...​
That back wall is pure white...​
Still need the following as had no luck with mine :
Bolivian Rainbow, Numex Twilight, Gengis Kahn Brains, Chocolate and Mustard Moruga brains, Red Yellow And Chocolate Naga Brains, Aji Omnicolor and other delicious Aji's, Rocotos, Chocolate Borg 9, Armagedon, Sepia Serpent, MRM 7 pot brown Peach and red, Bhutlah Bubblegum red and chocolate, Naglah Beast, Trepadeira Do Werner, Murupi Amarela, Aji Fantasy, Coyote Zan White, Sugar Rush, Aji Oro, Sangria, Medusa, Tein Tsin, Starfish, Orchid, Nosegay, Takanotsume, Masquerade, ARIBIBI GUSANO, Centenial, pretty in purple, poinsettia, prairie fire, Yatsufusa, Royal Black, Aurora, Any weirdos or beauties or oddballs, probably out of space, but shit is addicting...​
Pic #2 Just my 10 overwinters...​
pic #3 watering bin with about 50 of the plants ill probably sell in may started december 1st above ground before dec 7th...​
Reapers, Douglahs, Morugas, cp115, Chocolate Bhutlah, pink tiger, bbg x pdn, 7 pot brown..and more​
well thats that for now... ill post what i can and hopefully find a better camera...​
thanks... next pics will probably look  like a masacre... after i transfer them into the solo cups is when i top them and remove most of the large leaves.. within a few day all the large leaves are removed as the secondary leaves and branches start to come out... Some people have and issue with my method, but i have done it this way for decades and find it makes much healthier and stronger plants when transfering them outside... I dont even have to harden them off, just straight outside...
I pluck nearly all the big leaves off leaving 1-3 for energy and within a few days when the secondaries are unfolding i remove the reminder of the large leaves... so for a week or so they look like i destroyed them... Just sticks with little green leaves... within another week they are magnificent with beautiful new growth
Thanks man.. Much appreciated... yeah every year i start my personal stock earlier and earlier.. i usually have them all started by now but doing trades etc more seeds still arriving... i usually wont start any past march 1st unless im just gonna sell them... i like when i bring them outside that they start fruiting withing a couple weeks over waiting till the end of summer... this year the harvesting will get bigger and bigger as the later plants catch up... cant wait... 
JUR-Z-Devil said:
thanks... next pics will probably look  like a masacre... after i transfer them into the solo cups is when i top them and remove most of the large leaves.. within a few day all the large leaves are removed as the secondary leaves and branches start to come out... Some people have and issue with my method, but i have done it this way for decades and find it makes much healthier and stronger plants when transfering them outside... I dont even have to harden them off, just straight outside...
I pluck nearly all the big leaves off leaving 1-3 for energy and within a few days when the secondaries are unfolding i remove the reminder of the large leaves... so for a week or so they look like i destroyed them... Just sticks with little green leaves... within another week they are magnificent with beautiful new growth

My exact same method....those secondary leaves are much tougher and makes it real easy when it comes time to harden them off.
Sizzle Lips said:
My exact same method....those secondary leaves are much tougher and makes it real easy when it comes time to harden them off.
Finally a place where others get it and know the tricks... People in real life or friends via email etc talk to me like i killed them and im dumb... VINDICATION!!! lol...  :cheers: 
mpicante said:
What seeds qre you looking for or need? Pm me if you need anything and I'll take a look.
lmao... thats like asking an alcoholic what kind of alcohol does he want... I mean technically I dont need anything at all... I have a ridiculous amount already... but the ocd in me says i need more and complete collections of certain kinds etc... Im definitely gonna be taking up relatives yards this summer... lol... Ill grow all my sfrb peppers and open pollinated at relatives houses and my total isolation seed stock here so i can track all the records etc and make sure nothing messes with the system...
Thanks so much florissa, but at this point im at the state where everything i see i need...​
so besides what i listed above, Im open to suggestions on peoples favorites...​
I had it a bit under control, cause i covered most of the superhots, till i started chatting with GIP and now im open to the annums and pubes ajis rocottos... i feel like i ate all the candy in the store and GIP opened the back door to to show me the willy wonka factory...​
lol... i guess there are worse addictions out there...​
Sizzle Lips said:
My exact same method....those secondary leaves are much tougher and makes it real easy when it comes time to harden them off.
Same here. Though mine are already sun hardened by then. At first it looks ridiculous but this makes the plants look nice (once they branch out) and as a bonus they can handle some serious wind without breaking. Not to mention when they start flowering it's on multiple branches right away. In my experience this only puts flowering back like a week at the most if your plants are happy and growing fast.

JUR-Z Devil I'm looking forward to seeing if your plants end up looking like mine. Nice list btw!
Jase4224 said:
Same here. Though mine are already sun hardened by then. At first it looks ridiculous but this makes the plants look nice (once they branch out) and as a bonus they can handle some serious wind without breaking. Not to mention when they start flowering it's on multiple branches right away. In my experience this only puts flowering back like a week at the most if your plants are happy and growing fast.

JUR-Z Devil I'm looking forward to seeing if your plants end up looking like mine. Nice list btw!

yeah, i still have a good 3 months before they go outside so the flowering being behind doesnt apply...but everything else you said is right for sure... much bushier, more branches with more flowering sites... works wonders.... thanks for stopping by... do you have a glog up?
Bluesman said:
Where´s Tarzan? Mighty jungle you have. I love it. 
Any life in Mutants?

yeah i have one germination so far from the seeds you sent me and there are 2 about 2 weeks old in the cabinet with the jungle.. you can see one in the picture has "MCL" on its tag.. there is another in there but its in the corner... i threw all the seeds in that you sent me and will grow as many as i can... hoping to have at least 6 or 7...
I am dying to begin topping....just not ready. Waiting on 5th nodes. Then i will be whacking them.
I do have 2 of most of my plants....might save a few for topped/untopped comparisons.
looking good in your room...I will be following. 
I too am using a camera phone....damn thing pics up more yellow like yours....keep the pics coming, love to see others plants and the abuse to put to them 
Masher said:
I am dying to begin topping....just not ready. Waiting on 5th nodes. Then i will be whacking them.
I do have 2 of most of my plants....might save a few for topped/untopped comparisons.
looking good in your room...I will be following. 
I too am using a camera phone....damn thing pics up more yellow like yours....keep the pics coming, love to see others plants and the abuse to put to them 
will do... after i start selling some in the spring im gonna get a nice camera to do professional pics and start a vlog on youtube too.. till then, these cheap ass phone will have to do..... you got a glog up?
glad to see you went ahead and started a Glog  :metal:
I look forward to following it and seeing your progress.
My pics were terrible in my first Glog (not that much better now actually :lol: ) not only were they blurry but it always seemed to focus on the wrong thing.  I'm getting better and my pictures are a bit clearer, but even the older pics (potato lens and all) still are good for reference when looking back at them.
You're going to have a lot of  :mouthonfire:   this summer with all them supers  :twisted:
:cheers:  to a fantastic grow in 2017 
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
glad to see you went ahead and started a Glog  :metal:
I look forward to following it and seeing your progress.
My pics were terrible in my first Glog (not that much better now actually :lol: ) not only were they blurry but it always seemed to focus on the wrong thing.  I'm getting better and my pictures are a bit clearer, but even the older pics (potato lens and all) still are good for reference when looking back at them.
You're going to have a lot of  :mouthonfire:   this summer with all them supers  :twisted:
:cheers:  to a fantastic grow in 2017 
thanks man.. cant wait... I even have a good 100 episodes fora vlog on youtube ready to go making every episode one variety review etc... soill have plenty to write and film and photo this summer... just need the summer to start to raise that cash for the camera... im gonna sell some plants when the season starts and hopefully make enough to pay for grow bags, potting mix, ferts, and the camera... im guessing i need to raise a good 800 dollars or so.. 300 of that is for the camera,but worse case i can spend 150-200 on a nice gopro... we'll see... :party: