• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

Serious Eats HS List

It's all about Location...Location...Location...
I live in the middle of no-where.  Y'all live in civilization.  :lol:
I wait until fall and stalk red jalapenos at the St. Jacob's farmers market. The farmers never let any of the early season ones get red but when the glut is on they end up selling the ones that turn red cheap. I buy any I find and cut them in half seed them and then individually freeze them on cookies sheets. I think I still have a couple large ziplock bags of them in the freezer.
Scoville DeVille said:
So with that logic, Green Bell Peppers are just unripe Red Bell Peppers?

They are ripe Green Jalapeños. I've never had one turn red after bringing it home either.
Tis true green is a stage of ripeness with (many) annum and not unripe; jals, poblanos, serranos etc. Peppers that are unripe don't turn dark green they ripen from light green to another color. Dark green is ripe even tho it may change to red often called "red ripe" as in "red ripe jalapenos' as opposed to green ripe.
Scoville DeVille said:
So with that logic, Green Bell Peppers are just unripe Red Bell Peppers?

They are ripe Green Jalapeños. I've never had one turn red after bringing it home either.
OK, Pookie already answered, but Yes....green bell peppers are unripe RED/Yellow/Orange/purple/chocolate bell peppers.  They don't ripen after picking, but if left on the plant bell peppers change colors.  I've never heard of green jalapenos being referred to as RIPE jalapenos.  I have ripened a lot of habaneros and others using the brown bags etc, but there really isn't a substitute for letting the green jalapenos ripen on the plant. 
By the middle of summer, I let Sr. Rubio know how many pounds of red jalapenos I need.  They let 'em hang and it's usually October by the time they deliver 30-50 pounds of red jalapenos...in addition to the 200-ish pounds of green jalapenos and 30-ish pounds of ripe (orange) habaneros. 
salsalady said:
OK, Pookie already answered, but Yes....green bell peppers are unripe 
I did not say that. The dark green are not unripe they are the first stage in ripeness. Meaning ripe. If they were unripe you would not eat them.
Scovie was onto the same thing with his post. Light green is unripe. When dark green it is ripe. When red it is red ripe. A pepper can change colors and still be ripe. The last stage may be called fully ripened which is different than just saying ripe which would suggest, before, it was unripe.
PS. Way to go off topic. :P
That's way too many re-wines! Let's let her DPSE her post at least :rofl:
Check back in am.
:banghead: yea i definitely need moar re-wines to figure thast out,....

Not even gonna tyop edit!
I don't know if it was just my batch, but the bottle of Big Fats 7o8 was all garlic.  I mean, I like garlic in sauces, but it was the only note other than the heat.