• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Dot Com 2017

been away for a year changing careers but kept 4 over- winters (a couple of winters) alive. Looks like all 4 will make it




Smallest plant finally starting to put some flower buds out. This plant looks like a Caribbean variety because the leaves are huge. Also pruned a couple of lower younger branches off to devote its energy to the 3- 4 large stalks that are already above the tomato hoop

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Very nice OW/container plants, David, you have
done a nice job of bringing they to the flowering/fruiting
stage.  May you be blessed with many pods!
Finally harvested one of these angry-looking Peppers looks like a, I want to say- Primo but I'm pretty sure I've been unsuccessful in germinating those and bringing them to fruition. This one has to be the hottest ones in my potted, balcony garden judging from the dimples and tail. Going to cut it in half and might eat it tonight but I may not because I have a big trip tomorrow. I'll bring it with me in a plastic bag if I don't eat it tonight

Here's how it looks cut. Has that characteristic America's Trinidad- like, pepper smell as opposed to the Indian nagas


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I cut them and let them air-dry, if I don't eat them right away, so they don't spoil

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