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Concentrated pain from peppers?

So, today was my first time having anything above bhut-level heat.
I've been sampling some peppers from an sfrb, and they've all been pretty okay, since I'm just trying a small slice from the bottom.
However, I had a small piece of a small 7 pot primo, and whew!
Not only was it much hotter than the rest that I've sampled, but once it hit my throat, there was a stabbing pain in a small spot with the circumference of a pencil eraser.
It didn't feel like pepper heat, but more like an insect biting it.
Anyone else experienced anything like this?
There's all kinds of posts about where the pain hits, that being, tongue, lips, roof of mouth, back of throat as well as spreading, or concentrated, and the build, sustaining power, or decline, as well. Different capsaicinoids. Welcome to the club.
I'm definitely a novice when compared to most members on this forum, but I'll give my 2 cents. I think length of burn/onset/delay has more to do with the type of capsaicinoids and the location of burn is more due to random chances in chewing/saliva/pod size. The same varieties of peppers have hit me in different locations on different days, but length of burn seems more or less consistent. 
I've made habanero extracts into ethanol and it made burn location very consistent... everywhere. (depending on vehicle)
Then again, I'm waiting for my first superhot to ripen. Maybe my opinion will change!
7 pot primo is a different kind of beast. That spot in the back of your throat is where that little piece you bit bounced off before going down into your gut.
Never tried a primo yet but I had a similar reaction first time eating a piece of a carolina reaper.
Log that one down as another  "Learn while you Burn" experience and go for the next one :onfire:
Yup. The hottest Primo I ever tried gave me a strong sensation of sharp, deep, spiky pain on the tongue and in the back of the throat; it felt like I was being stuck with needles. Reapers often give me the feeling like I have a burning coal in the back of the throat, and some individual pods have taken that to fairly painful levels as well. So yeah, occasionally the sensations caused by extremely hot peppers goes beyond just extreme heat and crosses into the realm of pure pain. I think it's just something you have to be ready to endure if you plan on eating the higher-end superhot pods.
Luckily, I don't get ear pain, but I do get throat pain. Sometimes, it feels like somebody sliced off your uvula and is welding it back on. To me, Fatalii's are more painful than hot. They're not superhot, but they feel like it sometimes. 7 Pot Madballz is another painful pod, as is 7 Pot Primo. I prefer tongue burn to throat burn. It seems more manageable. But yes, the painful burn is something that I kinda got accustomed to. It's surprising at first...panic mode. But you might build a liking to it. I'll bet you had a pretty good endorphin rush after that pain turned to throbbing. Lol
The Hot Pepper said:
There's all kinds of posts about where the pain hits, that being, tongue, lips, roof of mouth, back of throat as well as spreading, or concentrated, and the build, sustaining power, or decline, as well. Different capsaicinoids. Welcome to the club.
It's all in the name of science right?. Made me think of this guy:
Would you take the primo or the bullet ant?