New guy to growing peppers

Hey all!
Kyle from Maryland here. Its my first year growing peppers and I'm easing my way into the hobby or "lifestyle". Ive attempted to grow cucumbers and in the past but thats about it. I wanted to start by growing jalapeños but started doing research and ended up buy a few different varieties. Im easing my way into super hots. So for now I have Jalapeño, hungarian wax pepper, dulce sol, white fantasy, sugar rush, banana, and i picked up a ghost pepper from home depot. Just to see how hot it is. The ghost pepper and the jalapeño are the only ones I bought from HD. Everything else I grew form seed. Looking forward to the crops this year! Also, I am growing most of them in fabric pots on my deck Not a lot of space but I make it work!
Thanks all! I look forward to learning the ins and outs of the pepper world. I cant wait to make some sauce, jams and spices! Any tips are welcome.