Hi from Chicagoland!

hi, was recommended this site by a fellow greyhound owner :)
I grow all my peppers and tomatoes from seed and this year have 22 different varieties/colors of mild to super hot peppers going, and 22 tomato plants (15 varieties).
Looking forward to checking this site out!
This year I ended up with 81 pepper plants and 56 tomato plants....
the peppers I'm growing are:
(mild): piquillo, shisheeto (had to misspell as it put ** in the middle 
(medium): Picante Calabrese, Fresno (red, yellow and orange), Danny's (they are some kind of midly spicy Italian pepper I got from Danny, the Italian gentleman that lives on the park I walk my two greyhounds in every day, he gave me an entire plant - just yanked it up -- and I saved the seeds), a hot cherry pepper, Italian Roasting; Jalapeno (regular, early and a cool purple one!), Serrano and Jaloro;
(hot): Thai, Cascabella, Hot Lemon, Tabasco;
(very hot): orange habanero, Red Scorpion, Chocolate Scorpion, and Fatalli (my absolute FAV - wanted red but could only get seeds for the yellow variety)
guess that's 22 not 21 
  I planted 71 of the 81 I grew 

for the tomatoes, I grew Big Rainbow, Red Summer, Pink Brandywine, Orange Slice, Cherokee Purple, Black Krim, Yellow Pear, Bloody Butcher, Beefsteak, Caspian Pink, Best Boy, Good and Early (which is Bad and Dying, right now 
 ), Chadwick Cherry, Large Red Cherry and Chef's Choice Orange.  I have 22 planted and gave the remaining 30 plants away 
