• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Peppers in Winter

I have a lot of peppers right now. I'm planning to make a lot of sauce this winter. But the volume I have is dwindling. I assume this is the case for most folks here. Are there those who would want to buy fresh gourmet super hots during the winter season?
Not sure my friend. I do not want to take advantage of my fellow chileheads. And I'm not sure if I'm going to use them all myself. But I see growth slowing. And there may not be enough peppers of any kind to make my blended pepper sauce. So, I'll end up with a bunch of odds and ends peppers. No reason to let them go to waste. I have about 12 varieties right now. Anything from Douglah to Moruga to 7pot to Trinidad to Sugar Rush. I'm willing to come to a consensus with you guys. I do not think it would be good to sell specific pepper. I'd have to do variety packs with a good blend of what is in the garden. Maybe 3 ounce variety packs. Just enough to get some of you over the winter blues. Not sure what that would be worth to you folks though?
I think the average I've seen around here is like $15 for an SFRB. Some $12. And some as high as $18.
Captain Caliente said:
What is SFRB?
To expand on what Edmick said, most sellers pack a small flat rate box full of peppers. I'm not sure on what the pepper weight in a SFRB is...
For reference when I buy an SFRB I probably get 15-20 larger peppers (Fatalli, JPGS, Bhuts, etc.,) in an SFRB and there are usually some smaller peppers packed into the empty space between the big ones.