vendor Colorado Certified Organic Pepper/Chili Farms

Maybe AJ Drew in Kentucky? Or contact Jim Duffy at refining fire. He contracts with a lot of growers nationwide. Also contact your local farmers market for local growers. It's still early enough in the season that you should be able to get them to grow the peppers you need.
Good luck!
I know local is important to you but we can supply you USDA certified organic peppers until you find a local certified source. 
PM me with what types you are interested in - some of my crop goes in to transitional land, some in to certified organic land. If you have a specific type in mind which absolutely needs the USDA certified organic label I need to know what type(s) and amounts so I can plan accordingly. If you just need "organically grown" our transitional land receives zero synthetic inputs and is in year 2 of transition this year, so didn't receive any synthetic inputs last year. (I have 19.5 acres which will be certified next year; only 1.5 certified presently).
Also, if you need, like, Habaneros or something, it'd be good to know what and how much you need so I don't sell off too many live plants this spring. :)
You can check us out here;
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