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condiment Harvest salsa

Storing about half of my crop so far as salsa. I use a lot of salsa during the winter while making chili con carne, etc. It's so easy to just open a jar or three and dump it into the pot.
The small jars are rocoto salsa (Manzano Rojo, Montufar and Pico Mucho combined).
The large jars are annuum salsa (Cayenne, Orange Flame, Star Flame and Medina combined).
I still have 15kg (33 lbs) of unused rocotos and a few pounds of unused annuums.
Small jars are rocoto salsa and large ones annuum salsa.

Double, double, toil and trouble 
fire burn and cauldron bubble. 
Wrinkled hab from deadly vine 
slips into the steaming brine. 
Jalapenos, red and green, 
Fresno's glow and Bonnet's sting, 
fleeing before the hand of Frost 
into heat of Fire are toss'd. 
Datil's dimple, Cayenne's crinkle,
 O'er Pimento's point we sprinkle. 
Tiny tepin, busty bell, 
simmer in this broth of hell. 
Here within the pot, immodest, 
Peter Piper finds the Goddess. 
Fillet of a big New Mex 
swims with coriander flecks. 
See the skinless Stinking Rose: 
Quick! Into the pot she goes! 
Flavors mingle! Vapors rise! 
Fingers tingle! Burn thou, eyes! 
Cover then this mix obscene 
(making sure the rim is clean); 
bind it down with gleaming bands, 
still too hot to touch with hands. 
Up onto the shelf it goes, 
adding to some hotluck's woes.
And when thou sit upon the throne,
then the Potion's work is done