greetings from my new home ... USA

I have made the move and slowly settling in, managed to find my feet in Michigan.. It was a huge move from OZ and been headache!

I look forward to catching up with everyone as it has been awhile since i was around... I hope to be here more often again!! you know that's above the Mason Dixon Line... :rofl:

welcome to the good ol' U. S. of A.
Howdy from Texas, by way of Ohio! :welcome:

Check out the Throwdown thread - we'd love to see an entry from you in October!

And of all the freakin' places to move here, why MICHIGAN?!? Brrr!

Howdy from Texas, by way of Ohio! :welcome:

Check out the Throwdown thread - we'd love to see an entry from you in October!


Its been awhile since ive been in a throw down , in fact I think I was in the first of them.... i look forward to getting back up to speed ! Sure I will be in the October throw down ;)
oh, and:
