Miracle grow thoughts?

Now I know this has been discussed and a lot on here dispise this stuff. It's just I'm seeing a lot of topics posting lately about beautiful plants and flower drop. Now I know the "Wiilard's List" for natural flower drop causes. But what I've been seeing is a common denominator of the use of MG. Me personally I only use it once a year. An that is after my plants get settled in there final homes I'll hit em with a shot for the vertical growth. Once I see the plants start setting their first buds I never use the stuff again. An have had no issues the past to years doing it this way. As I have been told and seeing for myself this year, once chili plants are settled and growing they need very little in way of nuts. Just enough when they as for it to keep them happy. An when that is I use a more even balanced 5-5-5 organic to perk them up. Sorry for such a long post. Just sharing my thoughts and experience with miracle grow.
My tomatoes and cukes love it, but my weeds love it more. I used it early in the season, probably won't use again.
I think a lot of people's negative feelings about Miracle Grow stem from the fact that it is industrially manufactured chemicals, which when leached into the environment, tend to cause a lot of pollution. Also, since the chemicals are not naturally occurring, the magnetic fields of the molecules are not as harmonically compatible with the plants, and thus, they aren't as prolific along certain lines. They may flourish, but the vitamin/mineral content of the fruit/veggies themselves are not as high.
I have MG soil/ and potting mix.. And that is mixed with sand and manure. To be honest I think my AF use once a week and the folar spray of Epsom salt gives the nutes not the MG..
I have a number of plants in MG Moisture Control, which contains MG nutes. I've been using a different regimen for feeding. However, flower drop has been profound. Then again, our temps have been over 90 - 100F beyond the past month. My Jamaican Yellow is podding up, but the rest are slow to develop buds/blooms. When they do, they fall. All plants are treated pretty much the same.

For a number of reasons, I will not be using MG soil next year.
My "Miracle' for growing is 'tea' made from about a pound of composted Black Hen chicken poop, banana peels + over ripe bananas, birds damaged figs, coffee grounds, blender pulverized egg shells and a quarter cup of Epsom's salt in a 5 gal bucket. I let it ripen (away from the house - it develops a barnyard perfume) for a week or two and I have a brew the peppers thrive on. Always add tea to pre watered plants.
My "Miracle' for growing is 'tea' made from about a pound of composted Black Hen chicken poop, banana peels + over ripe bananas, birds damaged figs, coffee grounds, blender pulverized egg shells and a quarter cup of Epsom's salt in a 5 gal bucket. I let it ripen (away from the house - it develops a barnyard perfume) for a week or two and I have a brew the peppers thrive on. Always add tea to pre watered plants.

So you don't aerate your tea? I've read about that route, as well.
This is pretty much what my use of MG ferts is directed towards. All the posts I'm reading are saying they're using MG on a regular basis and having beautiful plants but no pods. I know heat is a factor of flower drop. I too experience that time every year. An know by the temps outside when that time is. Just trying to help the newers realize if conditions and all are right, it's something they are feeding or doing. You don't have to feed your plants every other week is all I'm trying to say. Like I said earlier I only use MG "ONCE" a year.

Feeding a watering of 18-18-21 Mg is way to much for a peppers flowering stage, (even if diluted) They will drop flowers like a bad habit! They should focus on a bloom booster at that stage. Not a veg fert. JMHO. An sometimes you shouldn't even us that, if they look healthy and are doing well. They will suprise you at what they "the plants" are capable of themselves.
After my first 4 true leaves....... i mix a very dilute concentration of MG (abt 1/15) and water the seedlings every two to three days..... when i transplant to grow bags, its full conc every week until i put them in the ground..... after that..... i stop MG once the first couple buds appear..... that's the way i been doing it ever since.... no complaints
Personally,I stopped using Miracle grow after seeing this documentary.

Not to interfere with your freedom of choice, but some people do not know that Miracle gro is owned by Monsanto. Monsanto is the giant corporation that sues farmers when the farmer's crops are contaminated by genetically modified organisms from Monsanto.

Yes it sounds illogical, since the fault is Monsanto's but they call it patent infringement, and more than one small farmer has been busted for big bucks by this mega-corporation.
Plus the hazards of genetically modified organisms have not been adequately investigated and meanwhile they are getting into the food chain, so you may be eating them in your wheaties.
If you find these things disturbing you may want to find an alternative to Miracle Gro.
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0uls507hvM
This year I have been using Miracle-Gro Liquafeed (the tomato, fruit & vegetable formula) in combination with CalMag (not on the same day). Never cared for MG products before but for myself this seems to be working pretty good. Now that the Arizona heat is rolling off my flower and pod production has been excellent. All my plants are in five gallon buckets.

I use MG potting mix and MG plant food after some time. My Grandfather swears by MG plant food and has grown veggies including peppers most of my life. I'm still a noob to growing anything so I'm not experienced at all with other products. Also all I've harvested as of yet are quarter sized choc. habs from a topsy turvy. But I have some nice seedlings that are ready to pot up today for overwintering. Looking forward to summer when I should be getting some big harvest of good fresh peppers
I don't use MG because I'm cheap, instead using compost and a fair mount of generic 10-10-10 fertilizer all season long. I pulled between 1000 and 2000 pods (two heaping buckets full) off of 4 plants yesterday so I don't think they mind the fertilizer one bit.

My point is, I don't think MG is in any way to blame for poor results, only that not being a complete source of nutrients you have to add more supplements to it.
After my first 4 true leaves....... i mix a very dilute concentration of MG (abt 1/15) and water the seedlings every two to three days..... when i transplant to grow bags, its full conc every week until i put them in the ground..... after that..... i stop MG once the first couple buds appear..... that's the way i been doing it ever since.... no complaints

This is very similiar to how I use it. Like I said use it for that first initial boost of growth. But when the first signs of buds no more for the season. An I too have had no issues of flower drop.
Any fertilizer like MG is like crack to a plant in my opinion.
They do well on it but they need it and actually have to rely on it for all nutrition once you start using synthetic fertilizers because they destroy the soil food web that plants thrive on naturally. I choose to grow as organic as possible because I think that is the best way and is the most fascination and challenging to me as an amateur horticulture/botany hobbiest.
Any fertilizer like MG is like crack to a plant in my opinion.
They do well on it but they need it and actually have to rely on it for all nutrition once you start using synthetic fertilizers because they destroy the soil food web that plants thrive on naturally. I choose to grow as organic as possible because I think that is the best way and is the most fascination and challenging to me as an amateur horticulture/botany hobbiest.

Yes they do destroy the soil food web. I've experienced it. It took me a couple of years of rabbit manure and worm castings to rebuild the soil food web.
From my experience no it's not like crack. As this year I used MG to boost them, then once that time was over. I used a AACT Tea to rebuild the soil in my buckets. An they still took off, just made sure, I didn't use any synthetics afterwards. But have noticed using a tea leaves a slimy feel. Even under water. Which I choose to wash off. As I choose not to eat that air poop!
I haven't noticed any issues with using the pink powered miracle gro.... I would use a diluted 500ml mixture over about two weeks.... I haven't used it on any plants with buds, but you can tell the difference between my plants that got it more frequently.... I've had more issues in general with Epsom salt sprayings and inconsistent sun exposure than miracle gro.... My neighbor used it quite often every year with his vegetable garden back home without any issues.... It got to the point my dad stopped growing certain things because the neighbor produced so much he had problems giving it away before he had to pick more off the plants....