Doctor Scoville

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  • What would be the most genius combination of a plant with a chili plant regardless of it being possible?

    Chili and mango? a Chalingo
    Buying a dehydrator to preserve the tons of chilies i will be harvesting in a couple of months. Pineapple habanero salsa, porc taco's,
    a bananapepper stuffed with a jalapeno stuffed a habanero stuffed with a pepedew stuffed with charapita's. Roasted and with molten cheese.
    Voodoo 6
    Voodoo 6
    Reminds me of the Cajun folk and their turduckens..
    Doctor Scoville
    Doctor Scoville
    I am from Holland. And whats stated is correct about the spices in the Netherlands. In my own experience last year, the peppers came to me by the Germans. A couple of them moved to a Spanish island in the Atlantic and started a chili corporation. They sold me the seeds i'm growing today. Dont know about turduckens dough, do you shoot 'm?
    Voodoo 6
    Voodoo 6
    Turducken is a dish associated with Louisiana, consisting of a de-boned chicken stuffed into a de boned duck, further stuffed into a de boned turkey, I believe it is deep fried to perfection, and then served with gravy and stuffing. I think before eating it, you are required to sign a waiver with your health insurance provider???

    What would you pick:
    eat 1 reaper or take shots of warm hotdog water all night?
    Doctor Scoville
    Doctor Scoville
    Once made a Weenie Martini.
    1 part Martini, 1 part frozen hotdog water crushed ice, 1 shot of vodka, teaspoon of mustert and shake. top with sour kraut and a hotdog slice on a scewer.

    afther what happend next, i vote reaper.
    1 reaper
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    1 reaper then chase it with a shot of hotdog water.
    • Love
    Reactions: hogleg
    Testing new way's to treat Afid infestation:

    On the north pole there are no afids. Yet this is where polar bears thrive. So maybe Polar bears have something to do with the absence of afids.

    To test this, one needs a polar bear.

    This proved to be difficult so plan B is to take an Afid infected plant to the zoo en place is near the polar bears. Then observe.

    Any tips?
    • Haha
    Reactions: Bou
    Doctor Scoville
    Doctor Scoville
    great idea, i'm going for it. How do you imitate the nesting? i tried this once with a jar of fish egg but all i got was a soar ass.
    I've found that placing the eggs in a bowl of ice does speed up the incubation period and yields a better hatching rate. Just be sure to keep your seals and penguins isolated to ensure the most effective aphid kill rate.
    Doctor Scoville
    Awaiting delivery of seeds and dreaming of transferring the plants to outside. In a few weeks i will bathe in the shade of my chilieplants wich reach for the heavens. And burn my guts on all those lovely hotties:metal:
    Can cap.cramps be cured with eating more chilies?
    Grass Snake
    Grass Snake
    If you eat whole bell pepper, it might help absorb the excess Capsaicin causing the cramps.
    I've found that snorting ghost pepper powder is the best cure for cap cramps
    Doctor Scoville
    Doctor Scoville
    i'm more thinking of a beer to cure a hangover. So maybe one can save oneself from the dreadfull cramps by eating more chili. @Bou, medical science is build on statistics. The future can always be different:P
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