RB003 (Reaper x Brain Strain cross) for me. The pods are consistently gnarly and hot, and the plants are productive. The flavor is also a bit better than most red superhots IMO; I haven't noticed much floral or bitterness with these yet. Yellow Brain Strain might be my runner-up, for similar...
The ones I grew looked like this. The pods were fairly mild, small, seedy, and a bit bland tasting to me. Mine had the shorter pods like SF posted above. Only about 1.25" or 3.2 cm long. Overall I would say it is a very pretty ornamental plant, but definitely something you grow for the beautiful...
I have tried both the longer and shorter phenotypes, which I got from three different members here. They were both tasty. Both phenos had a similarly sweet, mildly fruity flavor to me, but the short pheno ones that I tried had a noticeably milder burn than the long pheno ones. That may not...
Brazilian Starfish is one of my favorites for flavor. Really tasty fresh off the plant. They also seemed to ripen a little sooner than some other baccatums I have grown. Google says they take about 90-100 days. Sugar Rush Amarillo, Aji Mango, and Aji Guyana are all really good as well.
I am thinking that it might be virus-like syndrome (VLS). VLS can be characterized by dwarfism and filiform (long, slender and/or deformed) leaves. Google shows it being associated with chinense x annuum crosses in peppers, but I saw similar symptoms in an attempted chinense x baccatum cross so...
The Hippy Seed Company has a large selection and they ship worldwide. I have used them for years and never had any issues. They also have video reviews for many of their pepper varieties both on their website and on their YouTube channel.
I have also been very happy with White Hot Peppers and...
I have taken seeds from fresh pods and put them immediately into the soil. They germinated just fine. Also, here is a photo of a yellow Scorpion that I left in the fridge a little too long. Look what I found when I finally took the pod out of the fridge and cut it open. I think you will be fine. 🙂
One variety that really impressed me with its hardiness was Basket of Fire. I grew 2 plants under 50% shadecloth in 2021. I came home one day in July to find them both flowering. We hit 117 F that day, and they were both covered in flowers. :shocked: Really surprised me. Most of my other plants...
Yes, it is possible provided that the parents are from genetically compatible species. So the pubescens species won't cross with annuums and chinenses, but annuums and chinenses can cross with each other, for example. Bell peppers and Scotch Bonnets have been crossed. And the NuMex Spice...
Yes, essentially. These are plant pigments called anthocyanins. Some plants naturally have a lot more of these pigments than others (Pimenta de Neyde, for example) but in your case I would guess its a response to plenty of light exposure. Like a suntan. The markings will likely fade out as the...
My approach is to take nail clippers and *very carefully* clip just the seam around the edge of the seed to free it. Make sure you have good lighting so you can see what you are doing. Also, using a jeweler's loupe or some other means of magnification helps a lot. I also put a drop of water on...
Bishop's Crown was just one possibility that came immediately to mind based on the general shape of the pods. I'm not at all saying that is what it must be. Those bell-shaped phenos are actually pretty common among baccatum types. Unfortunately, you may never know for certain exactly which...
Those pods look more like a baccatum than a chinense to me. Perhaps a Bishop's Crown or Aji Fantasy. The presence of green or gold markings inside the flowers would confirm it as capsicum baccatum species. Whatever it is, I don't think it is a Carribean Red Habanero.
Yes, it might be an unintentional cross, or there may have been a mix-up with the seeds and it could be another variety entirely from what you expected. I have had yellow Bonnet plants that put out inconsistent phenos like that before. So the inconsistency doesn't necessarily mean that it is a...