Recent content by Cachucha

  1. Cachucha

    chinense Landrace Cuban c. chinense?

    The real Aji cachucha from Cuba should have no heat. The strains found in the US have been hybridized with other chinense varieties that are hot. They should have that chinense taste without the heat.
  2. Cachucha

    Wild pepper seeds

    Thanks for the recommendation
  3. Cachucha

    Wild pepper seeds

    Thank you Canedog! They have a great selection
  4. Cachucha

    USDA Small Lots of Seed Permit

    Looks like the rules have changed. I went to renew my small seed lots permit this morning and these are the new regulations. Q. Can I continue to use a Small Lots of Seed (SLS) permit to import small lots of tomato or pepper seeds? A. No. Tomato and pepper seeds are no longer eligible for...
  5. Cachucha

    Wild pepper seeds

    Anyone have any good sources where I could purchase wild pepper seeds? Mainly species form Central and South America. I was recently hiking in NE Florida and found a few plants of C. annuum var. glabriusculum. They have a great flavor and a heat that dissipates quickly. I was impressed with the...
  6. Cachucha

    Nothing is labeled

    Best thing to use is a #2 pencil. I have orchids that are over 20 years old with the same label.
  7. Cachucha

    Sweet peppers

    Aji cachucha from Cuba
  8. Cachucha

    seeds-germination Thai Hot Seeds Thanks to Mr. Spezzano - Spezzano's Market

    Nice, thanks for sharing. Cant wait to try these!
  9. Cachucha

    Chilhuacle peppers

    How did you like the flavor?
  10. Cachucha

    Chilhuacle peppers

    Thanks for the recommendation guys, I found all three varieties at refining fire chilies. I appreciate all the help
  11. Cachucha

    Chilhuacle peppers

    Thank you
  12. Cachucha

    Chilhuacle peppers

    Does anybody know where I can purchase some chilhuacle negro and chilhuacle rojo seeds?
  13. Cachucha

    seeds-germination Peppermania business card seeds- Anyone still have some?

    I was trying to keep if simple and avoid using soil in my mix to maybe cut down on bacteria and fungus problems . Im using a mix of peat moss and sand. Its about 40% peat and 60% sand.
  14. Cachucha

    seeds-germination Peppermania business card seeds- Anyone still have some?

    Its a mix of seeds. Could be anything that she had on her catalog