Recent content by captaicin

  1. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    Just a quick update. Have had plenty of little harvests and most are consumed before I think to take a pic and update. A few of the types that have ripened. Chcoclate douglah x reaper; Trinidad Scorpion yellow CARDI; Bhut jolokia orange and white; Tabasco and Siling labuyo. The yellow...
  2. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    Quick update. The pods from the photo above have started ripening... This one was supposed to be a Chocolate Douglah but is ripening to an orange colour... My biggest plant so far is this Tabasco... Some of the seedlings from the first post are beginning to grow. The smaller ones are...
  3. captaicin

    seed-train ALL ABOARD THE AUSSIE SEED TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm definitely interested but only have advanced plants from Bunnings with mostly hybrids and some shockingly bad labelling. The two Carolina Reapers from Bunnings have early pods that look nothing like a CR. It's a fantastic idea and all the best to everyone onboard :)
  4. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    Hi TBG, I have looked at the train theead and will join at some point but I'm very sparse at present regarding seeds to share. The fruit I'm getting like those above are mostly from the more advanced plants I purchased which are pretty much all hybrids so not worth saving seed from. In a...
  5. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

     Cyclonal rains in a 2000km weather system have brought around 100mm of rain down here so some of my plants are really suffering.    Mini harvest...   The Mucho Nachos are really getting big and plump now. I bought these with a broad mite problem and they had a sulphur treatment around 4 weeks...
  6. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    OK, here is some controversy in this post and pictures.   I bought an African Birdseye chilli plant which has done very well where I have planted it and is on the verge of its first harvest.    I was surprised by the size of the fruit which were getting to almost 10cm long and thought it had...
  7. captaicin

    Pepper ID - curly

    I got a chance to ask him a few weeks ago and he remembered he got it from a Turkish friend so well done with the Aci Sivri and Turkish snake answers. It's a great snacking pepper.
  8. captaicin

    Help diagnosing my problem?

    You can use a hand magnifier but without very bright lighting you can miss them. I use a jewellers loupe that has a built in LED light. Sees everything around 10x mag.
  9. captaicin

    pests Pests are out of control!

    It's a terrible answer and even heinous for a plant lover but you did suggest pulling them if you were the owner ie. if getting rid of them is a viable option in your mind then think herbicide and they'll have to be pulled once they're r.i.p Edit: the rose bushes I meant in case it wasn't clear.
  10. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    Just a picture of some other things going on...   Some seedlings starting. Have some sunburn from being moved recently.       Some cayenne peppers     A chocolate douglah forming     A purple seedling from a surprise mix I threw into an empty pot (I have another purple in another pot again...
  11. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    So we've had 4 solid days of overcast and rainy days with up to 50mm rain on heavy downpours.   I had grown some seedlings in pots and remember that they were only 4 varieties but unfortunately I didn't label thinking I'd only remain at that sort of level - never imagining the flood of new...
  12. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    Plenty of hoverflies too yes :) No issues with fruit fly yet. Not many gardens around here with fruit trees but I have some yellow traps ready to deploy if there are problems. Any tips on how else to manage them?
  13. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    One "mistake" I have made is fairly dense planting at around 30cm intervals meaning I have around 18 plants per raised bed but with the level of nutrients I think it won't be a severe limiting factor. Some of the plants are already at around 60-70cm tall. More space and fewer plants (more...
  14. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    Some general notes for local readers. * Bunnings plants around my area almost all come with bonus broad mites. * The raised beds are 1000 cubic litres with 400mm depth. * I filled the base with a cheaper tomato and vegetable mix containing blood and bone which is around $4 for 25L bags and...
  15. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    I have a very small aphid problem but planted some Marigolds around a month ago and it has resulted in a small family of ladybirds establishing themselves as residents.