Recent content by chelicerae

  1. chelicerae

    propogating-cloning About clones and years and viability and cares

    Hmm   With all due respect Solid, "your experience is not correct" - well, how do you learn gardening? By only reading what people write on forums, never by doing?   Most guides I read before starting my first grow (in a glog here) mentioned humidity as an important factor, especially for...
  2. chelicerae

    propogating-cloning About clones and years and viability and cares

    Thanks for your replies. I'll try and fix a photo within a few days. If I interpret correctly no parameter that I mentioned is necessarily in the orange zone.   The mother plant didn't produce at all but that's primarily because it wasn't given the right conditions, in that the relative humidity...
  3. chelicerae

    propogating-cloning About clones and years and viability and cares

    Hi   Late last year I snipped a branch from an adult Chinense-of-some-variety plant that was then around 5-6 years. (It had not as far as I know produced any fruits, its living arrangements were okay for growing and then hanging on). Got the branch to grow rootlings and it's now a...
  4. chelicerae

    First Time Gardener, Mishaps & Exploits

    Plants are looking really good, one happy serrano. First time gardening turning out well so far : )  "Hitting 100 later in the day.." in ~38 C. Hrm, the balcony greenhouse actually had a peak hour at 25C today, started at 10C;  well I suppose California sun has to be somewhat adapted to.
  5. chelicerae

    Growing Chiles in HEL - 2019

      :/ I hope those spots don't spread, and that at least the pubes will live and thrive! ..My lone annuum on the balcony (4,5hrs of potential direct sun) doesn't appear as if it is going to produce much,('Eithiopian brown' at 20C high days and 8C mornings) I'm happy indoor parameters are mostly...
  6. chelicerae

    Onewire humidity+temp monitoring

    Hi,   As I've tried growing hot peppers indoors I've also slowly developed a couple of scripts for keeping an eye on two important growtent / greenhouse params: relative humidity and temperature.   It started as an arduino project but I had a devil of a time keeping the wifi connection stable...
  7. chelicerae

    Growing Chiles in HEL - 2019

    Nice looking deck, well done! The Pubescens plants might actually like the way this summer is turning out for us, i.e a bit like typical, +27 and sun, then a week with +12 and rain mostly and so on? : )   (The yellow rocoto I had growing that seemed to want to stretch out and therefore went to...
  8. chelicerae

    First fruits! While the ethiopian brown is languishing in ~15C in the balcony greenhouse the...

    First fruits! While the ethiopian brown is languishing in ~15C in the balcony greenhouse the habanada plant, of the same age, is growing rather majestically in a 10L vermi/perli inside a grow tent @ 25C. Woo that something works : )
  9. chelicerae


    Thanks for the info, if more turn up I will start removing things from the balcony.   I don't think there are termites in Sweden and as for earwigs I see what you mean after having googled for earwig nymphs. They have baby rear pincers when nymphs.     That might be it. The description, that...
  10. chelicerae


    Hi all, thanks again for all the replies. I tried today to take some new shots of these things, there aren't a lot of them really and I don't see any other damage to the plant other than the jagged remains of a few of the outer leaves that the cats got to in an unguarded moment. No better shots...
  11. chelicerae


      I mostly assumed that insects that aren't pollinators and start living on my plants aren't great news, haven't actually seen or read about such an example, except perhaps ladybugs? : ) Anyway, they've visibly propagated over a few days, that's why I reached for the spray bottle. Stopped...
  12. chelicerae


    Okay. I'll try and get some better shots during the weekend, in brighter light that is.
  13. chelicerae


    Hi   In a small balcony greenhouse I have a tomato plant and an Ethiopian brown. The latter has been there for around a month now, spent its days in a grow tent indoors before. It had wickedly upwards curving leafs indoors, may have had to do with too moist soil too often. It doesn't anymore but...
  14. chelicerae

    Dark dots and streaks on yellow

    As an update I did as detailed above, except I found that Philips FDK and put this plant under it (18W cfl w reflector). It looks pretty good now, though it has dropped its first set of flowers, no pollen detected. Temps are between 23 and 26C and rh remains between 40% and 55% with a mild...
  15. chelicerae


    Did you eventually receive a letter? :  ) 