Recent content by Ethansm

  1. E

    Ethansm - 2019 GLOG

    I have been slacking on updating this. It's been a bit of a rough grow season, the plants are 1-2 feet tall in 3" grow pots now. Just put them outside to start hardening off, they're desperate to get out of the pots. I also messed up a few weeks ago and didn't water them for... several days and...
  2. E

    Ethansm - 2019 GLOG

    PaulG: It was a lot of work! I don't have a ton of plans for amendments, I know I should get a bunch of compost at least and dump it back there. The lot needs to be leveled back out, hopefully I can get some top soil / compost back there before I start leveling it. I'm open to suggestions on the...
  3. E

    Ethansm - 2019 GLOG

    Well I only had one ghost and one scorpion sprout, I think I dried out the soil too much. Planted the rest of the seeds a bit ago, went with 5x poblano instead of 10, also planted: 2x peppadew 2x pepperoncini 2x more Trinidad moruga Scorpions 2x Peter peppers I would've planted more ghosts too...
  4. E

    2019 - The Farm

    I see black pearl is in your list, I have some seeds but never planted them. Are the peppers any good off of them?
  5. E

    2019 - The Farm

    Even though I live in Columbia, and I'm not a huge fan of the University of Missouri, this is one of their strong suits. Looks like you could send in for a full water test for $60 My reasoning for not liking them is not agricultural at all fwiw...
  6. E

    Ethansm - 2019 GLOG

    Only had enough seeds for 3 ghosts. So far one ghost and one scorpion have sprouted. I put my cinnamon tree on the warming mat and under the light, it likes it there a lot better than the window. Getting to cold by the windows for it, high 8 tomorrow low -6 what I'm hearing.
  7. E

    2018 - The Farm

    Got my package today! The penis pepper freebie cracked me up, definitely making it on my grow list this year
  8. E

    2019 - The Farm

    Looking forward to following this glog, sounds like a hell of a grow list.
  9. E

    Ethansm - 2019 GLOG

    This year has officially started for me! I started last year in a new house with a backyard that hadn't been touched in a decade. Just clearing out a space large enough for peppers in time was difficult, and I learned that the soil is pretty well drained of any nutrients. I put 10 wheel barrel...
  10. E

    2018 - The Farm

    Order placed, went ahead and paid full price, least I could do for all the enjoyment I've gotten from this thread!
  11. E

    Mystery pepper

    Looking back through my labeling I may have made a mistake. It's possible this is a Tobago treasure pepper
  12. E

    Mystery pepper

    Does anyone recognize this pepper? Bag was labelled as aji charapita. Grew two seeds from the bag, one grew true, this is the other. I'm guessing the seed got mixed up haha
  13. E

    2018 - The Farm

    Haha I bet those birds are creepy! I think I heard somewhere they lack the taste receptors to get the spicy sensation from the capsaicin. Could be why they're so interested in your peppers
  14. E

    2018 - The Farm

    Here in Missouri there's something called a cottage food law, if I recall you can make and sell food at Farmers markets without using a commercial kitchen as long as it's less than $50k per year. Wonder if your state has a cottage law?
  15. E

    Ethansm - 2018 Glog

    Here's a picture of the garden, most of the plants are about a foot tall. The one in the far left row second in is about 4 feet tall. I need to weed it bad right now, and that grape vine growing on the fence isn't doing me any favors