Real Name
Network Security
My past experiences have made me who I am today and I feel blessed for what I have. An amazing wife who is currently preggers with our first child, a new home, a great job, and ability to explore my hobbies. Unfortunately, none of these hobbies are cheap and when I get into something I go all in 200%. Photography, Scuba, Travel, Gaming, and writing! I tend to create blogs for each new hobby so I can reflect on my progress and learning. In this case I went and made - so feel free to flame me on it. lol.
Favorite Food
Filipino foods
Favorite Beverage with Fiery Food
Um; water. Pretty much all I drink
Chili... Beans or No Beans?
No Beans
Favorite Hot Pepper
7 Pot Brain Strain - heat with smokey sweet - AWESOME!
Favorite Hot Sauce
Home made 7 Pot with Pineapple
Favorite BBQ Sauce
Make my own
Favorite BBQ Food
I AM A BBQ / Smoker KING; should see my back porch
Grow List
Bhut Jolokia
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Strain
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
Trinidad 7 Pot Jonah
Trinidad 7 Pot Cardi Strain
Yucatan White Habanero
Jamaican Chocolate Habanero

