Recent content by Gooseman

  1. G

    hot-sauce HELP finding this hot sauce!

    Well, I don't really know how to go about explaining it. It has a deep smokey flavor that really stands out and that's I guess what I like so much. It's hot but not blow your head off hot. It has just enough heat to get your attention and give you what I call a good burn, but not so much that it...
  2. G

    hot-sauce HELP finding this hot sauce!

    Yes I tried the e-mail I even tried to call the phone number and it was all a dead end! Man I really like this stuff! Do you know of anything that would have similar flavor?
  3. G

    hot-sauce HELP finding this hot sauce!

    My wife bought me this stuff when she went to Cancun last year and I cannot find it anywhere! I've tried calling, sending e-mail, and doing web searches and have came up with nothing. It's called Caribbean Best on the main label but whent she got it it had a small cover label that read (Secretos...