Habanero Fellow

Oct 4, 1969 (Age: 55)
Real Name
Favorite Food
Deep dish pizza with some Toasted Ghost sauce.
Favorite Beverage with Fiery Food
If it's hot enough bring on the milk
Chili... Beans or No Beans?
Favorite Hot Pepper
Morugas of many colors
Favorite Hot Sauce
Toasted Ghost by tMudder
Favorite BBQ Sauce
anything with a little extra moruga pepper puree
Favorite BBQ Food
Pork slowly cooked with a Toasted Ghost and Rainbow Relish added to the glaze
Grow List
Chocolate Moruga
Brown Moruga
Caramel Moruga
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Yellow Ghost
Red Ghost
Giant Ghost
Naga Viper
Seeds Wanted
Bubble Gum 7 pod
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
I am interested in all crazy hot strains
Seeds Available For Trade
Chocolate Moruga
Brown Moruga
Caramel Moruga
Brazilian Ghost
Brazilian Brain Strain
Brain Strain Red
Yellow Dragon's Tongue
Red Dragon's Tongue
Giant Ghost
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Trinidad Scorpion Peach
Purple Ghost Pepper
Peach Ghost Pepper
Chocolate Ghost Pepper
Aji Yellow Lemon Drop
Carolina Reaper