Recent content by hepsy

  1. hepsy

    storage Storing Dried Peppers

    Most all chinese may not dry this way, I don't know. I haven't tried them, but would. Several varieties of peppers (no, I don't know their names-yet), mushrooms (crimini, shiitake), chives, rosemary and other things I've tried have successfully dried while in a lauhala basket in fridge. The...
  2. hepsy

    storage Storing Dried Peppers

    Store, and put freshly picked peppers in a lauhala (or wicker) papertowel-lined basket, and set on top shelf of fridge. They'll dry naturally, and stay dry, until they're used. Then crush a few to have on hand. Store in well-sealed glass container. No plastic. I gave away my dehydrator after I...