Recent content by InmemoryofNagacanario

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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    This one’s for you, Dustin! Love you and miss you
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    Video coming soon
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    Mine are starting to turn red!
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    I feel like they are taking forever to ripen!
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    Hey folks! This is the plant I have at work. Very healthy! One of my employees says he wants to try it. Stay tuned for a video!!!
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    About ready to go outside.
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    A little behind but going well
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    Thanks for posting a memory. I miss him every day
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    Good start so far. Heating mat really helped!
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    Let's go!
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    7 Pot Savannah Community Grow

    Sprouting mine tonight!
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    free 7 Pot Savannah - In memory of Dustin (Nagacanario)

    These came in the mail today. Any tips on germination? Can you use 'plug trays' in a humidity dome?
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    free 7 Pot Savannah - In memory of Dustin (Nagacanario)

    I'll be doing mine indoor with a grow tent and LEDs. I've never grown any super hots but I do vegetables every year and used to grow cannabis indoors.
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    Hello I'm Christopher Jain

    Thanks for the response. Hopefully those seedlings make it! My brother would be so happy to know that this is happening.