Recent content by Jimmy-Z

  1. J


    Welcome from Cape Town
  2. J

    issue Flower drop on a healthy Ghost Pepper plant.

    Maybe this is just incidental, but I notice the same thing with my apocalypse reds. The first flowers have a green tinge to the petals & they all fall off. Later in the season, the flower petals are white & will set fruit...
  3. J


    Awe broer. Welkom :welcome:
  4. J

    New from South Africa

    Welcome, fellow ZA'er :welcome:
  5. J

    annuum What is the best tasting annuum ?

    Sweet paprika is my favourite. I add slices to my pickled jalapenos or just add it, chopped, to any cooked dish.
  6. J

    labels-artwork Catsup or Ketchup- what spelling do you like?

    It's called tomato sauce in South Africa, ketchup if you're getting it from Burger King. A 3 on the hotness scale would be good, not so hot your face melts off, but just enough heat. lol
  7. J

    Greetings from South Africa

    Welkom :welcome:
  8. J

    container-growing How far apart should my spacing be for pots?

    Cross pollination is only important for plants you want to save seeds from. I would move those 5m/10m away from other plants. If you're not saving seeds, it doesn't matter. I have 16 plants of various cultivars right next to each other on a stand, and really not bothered about cross pollination...
  9. J

    annuum Er jing tiao

    Massive necro, but did any seeds germinate of the pods from mala market?
  10. J

    seeds-germination Extremely old (80 years?) seed germination question

    My go-to for all seeds is a few drops of Dip & Root (4-Indole-3-Butyric Acid & 1-Naphty-Acetic Acid) in the soak. I've managed to get some 15 year old birdseye seeds to germinate. Granted, those seeds were from a pod I found at the back of the fridge, that my dad grew before he passed on.
  11. J

    Mal Hughes

    Welcome, fellow Capetonian. Pity about the baboons, they're tenacious pests. What are you currently growing?
  12. J

    indoor-growing Carolina reaper chili producing sterile flowers?

    Congrats :) Good to hear that was the problem.
  13. J

    disease-pests White Flies??

    I use a local product called Ludwig's insecticide for aphids, they're usually gone after the first application. It contains garlic oil, canola oil & pyrethrum. So if you can find something similar, it should work well. A natural predator would be ladybugs if you want to go that route.
  14. J


    I hope you're not being too gentle. lol. I finally got my Chinense to produce 3 pods. I've noticed the style is shorter than the stamen, so I stuck a finger in a few open flowers & gave it a light rub.
  15. J


    :welcome: from South Africa. One thing I don't see in your pics is a fan. Without bees, either air movement or some other pollination method is needed. I've noticed with my only chinense, the bees don't visit at all or maybe I just don't see them as often since the flowers are light green & not...