Recent content by Kritter33

  1. Kritter33

    Purple/dark leaves?

    Thank you! I ran out and checked and the one on the right is indeed the Pima bajo. Thank you for easing my mind CaneDog.
  2. Kritter33

    Purple/dark leaves?

    Edited original post
  3. Kritter33

    Purple/dark leaves?

    Attached an image but will have to do it another way I guess. Will post as soon as i can
  4. Kritter33

    Purple/dark leaves?

    Ive searched and havent seen pics of leaves this dark. These are a couple chiltepin plants from One is the mcmahons bird and the other is Pima bajo. They werent dark when I got them. Soil is cheap miracle grow potting soil. Havent fed them anything. Thinking about putting them...
  5. Kritter33

    Cool I’ll probably try them out

    Cool I’ll probably try them out
  6. Kritter33

    Thanks AaronTT, have you ordered from them before?

    Thanks AaronTT, have you ordered from them before?
  7. Kritter33

    Most productive pepper?

    Holy mother of my profile pic. I want that in my yard..
  8. Kritter33

    I was counting on you man! Where’d you go? ;)

    I was counting on you man! Where’d you go? ;)
  9. Kritter33

    Texas Heat

    Welcome fellow Texan!
  10. Kritter33

    What do you use your super hots for?

    I grow mainly jalapeños, Thai type peppers, and Chiltepins. I recently bought a huge scorpion bush for 15 bucks. Its HOT, I ate one with some chicken and was sweating bullets. Its producing like crazy and Im wondering what you use these types of peppers for besides selling. Drying and crushing...
  11. Kritter33

    Epic Hot Pepper Harvest Mistake!

    I was at a friends house years ago and he had some kind of really hot extract to make jerky. He asked me to try it so I took the bottle in my LEFT hand, dabbed my RIGHT pointer finger on the open bottle top and tasted it. It was hot. Few minutes later I take my LEFT pointer finger and thumb...
  12. Kritter33

    Pequin or Chiltepin or...?

    My favorite.
  13. Kritter33

    Hello! I'm from Texas, so scr...

    Thanks Alchymystic, I may try repotting them for now until I can fix the planter box, which is outside. We've been getting a ton of rain here so that probably isn't helping either. They haven't grown much since I put them in the box.
  14. Kritter33

    Hello! I'm from Texas, so scr...

    Probably not a good way to say hi, so I'll just say hi. I think my buddy and I messed my planter box up when we decided to use 100% compost to grow in. I've learned some since then but planning on redoing that one. Nothing crazy just some jalapeño, Serrano, and Anaheim but I don't think they...