Recent content by MarcV

  1. MarcV

    pod-i.d. Possibly Dhani and Boriya Indian chillies ??

    It's always fun to try to germinate seeds from dried pods. Let's hope it works!
  2. MarcV

    seeds-germination Germination and Sprouting Question

    I had to read that twice to get it 🤔😁
  3. MarcV

    seeds-germination Germination and Sprouting Question

    :welcome: I think you should put the sprouts under a light asap or they'll become very leggy! 🙂
  4. MarcV

    'I have no idea what I'm doing' Glog

    I do trim but just for practical reasons... to keep them manageable while they can't be brought outside yet but also to have a low branched plant when I plan to overwinter it. I use a 12 hours light cycle.
  5. MarcV

    2025 europe glog

    You should never stare at the seedlings 😲. They are very shy and will stop growing!
  6. MarcV

    It's never too early to get started!

    I think I will probably stick to some sugar rush variety, even if they take long to ripen...
  7. MarcV

    It's never too early to get started!

    I grew baccatums a couple several seasons ago, I believe it was 2017... :eek: does time fly or what? I remember that the plants grew huge, pods took ages to ripen and I wasn't especially thrilled by the taste. But in the mean time I have evolved and I should give them another try 🙂 Here's a...
  8. MarcV

    It's never too early to get started!

    It's been a while since I posted a proper update. And your reaction at the end of this post may be like... "that's it?"... Yes, that's it. That's all there is after getting started so early. It's never too early to get started but because the growing season at that point is still far away, it's...
  9. MarcV

    Tybos' 2025 Glog Attempt

    Looks like I didn't properly read Tybos question... 🤔
  10. MarcV

    Tybos' 2025 Glog Attempt

    The "thinking" emoticon is my favorite. I find it funny in a way 😁
  11. MarcV

    superhots Naga Claw

    Is it on youtube?
  12. MarcV

    Tybos' 2025 Glog Attempt

  13. MarcV

    in-the-kitchen Cleaned Out my Deep Freeze Last Night....AND....

    Any special tricks for drying frozen peppers? I tried it once... those frozen peppers started leaking juice and made a mess of my dehydrator. Maybe I should not cut them in half like I do with fresh pods? 🤔
  14. MarcV

    superhots Gnarliest superhot variety ??

    I think this might be a good candidate...
  15. MarcV

    SineNomine 2025

    Let's hope that roof is strong enough... 😉