Recent content by Myra Mains

  1. Myra Mains

    Yellow Moruga Strain?

    Pulled some ripe pods today and thought I would have Fajitas with the Yellow Moruga & Sandia with a nice cheese Queso with the Chocolate & White Habs. My guts already hate me and I haven't even started cooking yet :o) Some of my Yellow Morugas have stingers but most like this one do not...
  2. Myra Mains

    Today's Lunch

    Pulled some ripe pods today and thought I would have Fajitas with the Yellow Moruga & Sandia with a nice cheese Queso with the Chocolate & White Habs. My guts already hate me and I haven't even started cooking yet :o) Some of my Yellow Morugas have stingers but most like this one do not...
  3. Myra Mains

    chinense GOT ONE!!!!!BHUT JOLOKIA /PHX,AZ

    Hi Smitty, This desert growing is tough stuff. Im down in Tucson and thought I'd throw my Bhut out for the world to see. Yours looks like my scorps at that stage. 3/5 that is one evil looking pod, congrats to both of you and may your plants end up fruit heavy.
  4. Myra Mains

    Half Peppers/Half Stem Drop

    I was having the same problem here in AZ. I started watering twice a day in smaller amounts to help cool the pots/roots and have had better flower retention and pollination even in 100 to 110 degree temps.
  5. Myra Mains

    Chinese PentColor (5color) Peach Pepper

    I love the colors and the way the pods stand at attention is sic :o)
  6. Myra Mains

    My plants are not looking good

    The white sounds like sunburn. Try shading them with camo-net or shade screen for a few days and then acclimate them slowly. It helped me out alot here in Arizona after I burned several of mine. They will bounce back after a week or two.
  7. Myra Mains

    How long to ripen?

    Have a fun vacation, stay safe and I hope you have ripe pods on your return :o)
  8. Myra Mains

    Tales from the Loo: Chile's Attack!!

    Lol, I thought it was just me and my addiction for Bhuts so I never told anyone except my wife, who has had to listened to me moan and watch me sweat it out. Like an idiot I forget to eat properly before indulging and after two or three Bhuts on an empty stomach I get the napalm pee and the...
  9. Myra Mains

    How long to ripen?

    LOL...Now I realize how stupid my question was. Thanx for setting me straight Sic. I am going to order some to get me through my withdrawls
  10. Myra Mains

    How long to ripen?

    My Yellow Moruga Scorpion has been sprouting pods for almost three weeks (over 30 pods as of today) now and some are getting huge (golf ball size) but they dont seem to want to change color. Can anyone give an estimate on how long I have to suffer waiting for them to change as they are good...
  11. Myra Mains

    MyraMains 2012 Pepper Glog

    July 5th Update, Due to extreme temps I have started watering twice daily to keep plant temps in pollenating range and fertz weekly. Seems to be helping as pods are popping out left and right now. Plants are still shorter than I would like but one of my Yellow Moruga Scorps has over 24 pods on a...
  12. Myra Mains

    MyraMains 2012 Pepper Glog

    Found two pods on one of my Chocolate Habs. today, and moved them into shade today to see if the leaf curl will stop. We have had two weeks of tripple digit tems already!
  13. Myra Mains

    Problem of the day 6/4

    No suggestions on the white stuff? I was informed on another site they could be white fly eggs but that seems wrong to me. At this point I will take any opinion and research it from there, any suggestions?
  14. Myra Mains

    Kids these days...

    First and foremost, Semper Fi. On a second note, I had a party a couple of weeks ago and was quartering some Habs & Bhuts for my friends, and my daughter (21yo) was watching us sweat and laughing at the heat and asked if she could have one. I demanded she abstain from the Bhuts but she could...
  15. Myra Mains

    Problem of the day 6/4

    Thanxs Wulf, turns out the first two pics are a piece of bird down that got wet and clung to the plant...whew JD, that makes alot of sense any advice I can get on growing in these temps is welcome and thank you. Armac shoud I shade my plants more? In these temps is shade better than direct...