Recent content by rghm1u20

  1. rghm1u20

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    Here the plant compared with another Rhombo which look closer to real deal. First picture is "the other" Rhombo, second picture both of them.
  2. rghm1u20

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    First flowers on a plant, the seeds were labeled as C. Rhomboideum. But the flowers are not matching... So, I need an ID, if possible (if any moderator thinks this should be moved to ID topic, no problem - I have posted here because is about wilds). The coin is the same size as 1 euro coin.
  3. rghm1u20

    issue Yellow leaves

    Yep Paul, already did it, thanks.
  4. rghm1u20

    issue Yellow leaves

  5. rghm1u20

    issue Yellow leaves

    Thanks Paul, not a complete noob, but not as experienced as others. But with or without experience, this is driving me crazy, because still have same problem, with these, and with a Lanceolatum too. I'd say no overwatering, but even if it was at that time, I suppose should "heal" till now...
  6. rghm1u20

    Variegated Jalapeno Plant?

    What comes to my mind is the Matt's Mattapeno, but those have more white leaves, I think. No matter, interesting plant.
  7. rghm1u20

    plant-i.d. Help identifying my "Carolina Reaper" peppers...

    Check Vendor vault topic before you buy.
  8. rghm1u20

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    Till now I did used petlite only when sowing, this year I have used some mix leftover with perlite in bigger pots, will see how it works.
  9. rghm1u20

    plant-i.d. Help identifying my "Carolina Reaper" peppers...

    Would say the same. However, a new strain of Capsicum Ebayensis :D
  10. rghm1u20

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    Thanks for your hints. I already did a repot, also fed it. Did it again today (feeding). Trimmed brown limbs today. Didn't the funky limbs yet, some are those who dropped old leaves and start new leaves from nodes, will see how they develop. In your opinion, should I keep it more in shadow, or...
  11. rghm1u20

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    Great plants! What's in the last 2 pictures, perlite?
  12. rghm1u20

    Word Association Thread

  13. rghm1u20

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    @CaneDog : thanks for your input. I think I should find a place, or create a place, and let it be there for a while, because in the last time I have moved the Lance (is potted) many times, first when it was raining - to avoid overwatering, then back to sun, then again away from rain, then in the...
  14. rghm1u20

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    Here some leaves of my overwintered Lanceolatum. What could be the problem? It is setting new leaves, but they go to this stage when they go bigger.