
Real Name
Dave W
Software Engineer
Interests Continued... High Energy Particle Physics, Cosmology, Biology, Medicine,
Favorite Beverage with Fiery Food
Fine Aged Anejo Tequila
Favorite Hot Pepper
Brain Strain, nice flavor, intense heat
Favorite Hot Sauce
None, at the moment, convince me... hehe...
Grow List
bhut jolokia, chocolate bhut jolokia, trinidad scorpion, douglah, white ghost, purple ghost, brain strain, 7 pot trinidad scorpion OP, cherry trinidad scorpion, sweet trinidad scorpion, black naga, sweet green
Seeds Wanted
I have learned to stop asking, there are too many kinds to even keep track of, let alone grow... when I find something I like, I trade for them...
Seeds Available For Trade
moruga, brain strain yellow, brain strain red, 7 pot douglah, yellow 7 pot, red 7 pot, Jonah, t scorpion choc, t scorp yellow, t scorp green, t scorp cherry, black naga, naga morich, bhut jolokia, white bhut, purple bhut, peach bhut, kung, pao, fatalii, choc fatalii, yellow fatalii, chinese 5 color, tri-color, choc bell, egg seeds