Recent content by sidewinder

  1. sidewinder

    labels UK Labelling law - best before dates

    I cannot find anything about this in the UK and I'm constantly looking.
  2. sidewinder

    labels UK Labelling law - best before dates

    I'm not sure if that sort of service even exists in the uk. This is really difficult.
  3. sidewinder

    misc Up against a lot of Laws - help

    Thank you.I'm trying everything. This is not easy and also tells me there's a lot of illegally prepared food out there, as everyone I've spoken to says "I didn't know that".
  4. sidewinder

    labels UK Labelling law - best before dates

    Dude, have a read of this. It's has already helped me. It maybe talking about Jam but the principles are exactly the same.
  5. sidewinder

    labels UK Labelling law - best before dates

    I'm glad I read this; it's another law I'd not looked into. :tear:
  6. sidewinder

    misc Up against a lot of Laws - help

    The other point I should have mentioned is:   Surely you need public Liability insurance in case some poor bugger chokes and dies on your merchandise , and no one is going to going to give you insurance until you all above board. Am I right?
  7. sidewinder

    misc Up against a lot of Laws - help

    I've been asked to go into business ( cough cough ) with a long term mate who isn't listening to a word I'm saying regarding setting up. Can anyone help with the following   I understand that , according to the food standards agency  YOU have register with your local council 28 days BEFORE you...
  8. sidewinder

    Cooking with nerve gas!!!

    Cook outside. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha a.. I live in England mate. It rains every day here and if it doesn't rain it means we'realready flooded. I don't want soggy chillies :rofl: Joking aside, are some chillies worse than other for fumes ?
  9. sidewinder

    Cooking with nerve gas!!!

    Not sure if this has been discussed before  but when cooking with chillies the whole house has to be abanndoned with everyone coughing their guts up because me or  the mrs is frying chillies. They seem to give off some kind of fumes that makes you cough like mad!!!!   Is there anyway to avoid...
  10. sidewinder

    None of my chilies are hot !!

    If you have the room for a greenhouse yes. Seriously people... the weather in this country has been the worst I've ever seen. It's just plain shitty! Most the UK is now flooded. I might as well have bought a canoe, floated around in with a chilli plant and a rain coat. It is.... that bad !!!
  11. sidewinder

    None of my chilies are hot !!

    My friends that have green houses use tap water/mains water with no probs. My outdoor chilies I've given up on. They look a righ sorry state. The indoor ones just amounted to nothing. Slow growing and not hot.
  12. sidewinder

    None of my chilies are hot !!

    The very items that have failed :tear: This is what I'm constantly at war with: WELCOME TO MY WORLD Enjoy.
  13. sidewinder

    None of my chilies are hot !!

    Is there anything I could grow in the rain soaked country that is on par with Naga's???. ( I've tried 7-pods and scorpion's ) and they just don't go anywhere. Any recommendations ??
  14. sidewinder

    None of my chilies are hot !!

    I've just had to endure the shame of walking round to the corner shop and buying some chilies. My friends will never talk to me again, I'll be spat at in the street for this.
  15. sidewinder

    None of my chilies are hot !!

    I live in a watery old bog of an Island called England! What were the first people that settled in this country think of???????