Recent content by SkepGecko

  1. SkepGecko

    pests Aphid Control, Gentle on Flowering Peppers

    I went on vacation for 3 weeks and my sister had been house-sitting, mostly to take care of my plants. Oh, and the cats, too, I guess. My family and I just got back today, and I come to find that everything is infested with aphids. My dear sister brought me a new pepper plant and put it right...
  2. SkepGecko

    drying-smoking Dehydrating frozen peppers

    I actually did this about a week ago.   I had given some ghost and fatalii peppers to a friend about 16 months ago, but they were apparently too hot and got tossed in their freezer. Fast forward to a couple weeks friend confessed that the peppers were never used. So, I figured it was as...
  3. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    Thanks, I appreciate it! He's a fun little dude that I'll raise to eat spicy food, too.. mwahaha Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk
  4. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    So sorry that I kind of let this post die off. I had a son born on July 17th (the day after the last post made here) and that got me kind of busy!   Anyway, I ended up getting 7-gallon smart pots along with, what started as a little, turned into a lot of Kellogg Organic Select Potting Mix.   I...
  5. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    Haha oops, I must have missed your post while writing my last post. I'll get them in new medium, new containers, etc. Thank you everyone! I'll let you know how they're doing later on. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk
  6. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    All right, I'll see what I can do to take care of that. Would it be helpful to move them to bigger containers? I was going move everything to grow bags (black, cloth ones), but out that on hold to figure out what else is going on. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk
  7. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    Sure thing. Here's the roots from pepper #1 from my original post: Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk
  8. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    Nope, I haven't put neem on anything in a while, and I've been noticing new plants that seem affected. It was 3 plants to begin with, now it's 6. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk
  9. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots The top picture here is #2 from the original pictures. It has more specific black spots than the other plants, and might be something different. That plant is over on my neighbor's to keep it away from everything else, just in case. Otherwise, my Fatalii peppers had...
  10. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    Let's see.. They're all in red solo cups, one with a slit down the side and the bottom cut off that's inside another with holes punctured where they meet on the inside. If that's makes sense. It allows for drainage if needed, and will make it easy to drop 'em into their new pots/medium soon. I...
  11. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    Welp, it hasn't worked out yet. I gave fertilizer to all my ghost peppers, and now even more look like pepper #1. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk
  12. SkepGecko

    Hello there!

    Hello & Welcome to you and yours! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  13. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    All right, thanks for the reply. I was worried it was something else, potentially worse. I'll add some of the Alaska fish pellets, per your suggestion. Thank you, again, for your help! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  14. SkepGecko

    health Ghost Pepper Leaves w/ Black Spots

    My little ghost peppers are having some issues suddenly. I was out with them two days ago, and things were going all right. Then this morning I go to check on things, and one has these black spots and another has spotting(?) or something.   I'm relatively new to growing peppers, and especially...
  15. SkepGecko

    Howdy from NH

    Hello & Welcome!! Best of luck with your peppers, especially those Jalapeños ️