Recent content by Squidracing

  1. S

    Selling peppers?

    Hi all - Thanks for the speedy comments!!!!
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    Selling peppers?

    Hi all!! My harvest last year failed miserably, with hundreds and hundreds of flowers dropping and only producing five tiny little pods. I would be very very interested in buying peppers from the fantastic members of THP! While I'm not looking for hundreds of peppers, I would love a nice...
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    San Francisco - East Bay - Walnut Creek Growers

    Hi HurtsGood - Thanks so much for your comment and link to your glog.  Your success confirms to me that it's not the daily temperature swings, or humidity (lack thereof) that many mention as being a possible reason for flowers falling off.  I'm at a loss for my failure to product pods, and I'm...
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    San Francisco - East Bay - Walnut Creek Growers

    Hi THECHRISE - Well color me jealous, at least you produced fruit!!  That single variable (getting pods) is what I'm at a complete loss as to why I had the pathetic flower to fruit ratio I did.  I'm trying to get feedback on superhot flower to fruit ratio from growers who are within a zip code...
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    San Francisco - East Bay - Walnut Creek Growers

    Hi hogleg - thanks for your feedback. I should have been more accurate with my response by saying my Ghost and Butch T will both 8 inch tall when I initially planted them in March. The question I have to the local community is, who locally has had strong success in producing pods?? Thanks!!
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    San Francisco - East Bay - Walnut Creek Growers

    I should mention that I get minimal breeze near my plants.  Seeing how they're supposed to be self pollinating, I'd be surprised if that's a pollination related issue.
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    San Francisco - East Bay - Walnut Creek Growers

      Hi hogleg - Good questions.  I started late March, in ground and the Butch T and Ghost did really well.  The Reapers, not so much.     I spoke with Ed Curry who suggested a feeding regiment that I followed, using it for all three peppers.  In no particular order - Growers Secret liquid worm...
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    San Francisco - East Bay - Walnut Creek Growers

    Hi All - I'm trying to better understand the reasons behind the outcome of this past seasons dismal crop. I had three of each of the following - Carolina Reaper, Ghost and, Butch T. In the end my Carolina reaper's grew to about 8 inches tall yielding a total of 10 flowers with no fruit. Only...
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    Help Please, All Flowers Dropping Off!!

    Hi - I'm growing outside in the beautiful California sun  :drooling:   I'm patient when I know there's a payoff in the end.  After this experience, I'll take the route that I know will ensure the results I desire - local store that sells super hots.    I hear you, but I think I'm going to build...
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    Help Please, All Flowers Dropping Off!!

    Update - my 3 Butch T's and 3 Ghost each put out around 100 flowers each. The results......5 Butch T pods and 1 ghost pod. While my 3 runt Reapers out out 3 flowers each, no pods. WTF?????!!!!?!?!??!? Next year I'll be buying pods as this isn't worth my time and effort. I am crazy frustrated.
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    Help Please, All Flowers Dropping Off!!

    I'd love to hear from anyone willing to share - what percentage of flowers turning into pods do you consider average?   Thanks for the words of support, I'll be sure to update this as time goes on.
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    Help Please, All Flowers Dropping Off!!

    Thanks for the quick replies!   Quick follow up question (not to shift the direction of this thread) - from what I've read, the pollination takes place as the flower opens up and that insects aren't required for successful pollination.  Is this the common opinion of those on this board?   I'm...
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    Help Please, All Flowers Dropping Off!!

    Hi All - I've been a voyeur for the last year and have learned a tremendous amount by reading through and following threads, but now is the time for me to tap the collective brainpower of this great site.  I have 3 of each - Ghost, Butch T and Reapers (my reapers are puny little runts, but...