The mix I have is discontinued and I need to find something new for my container peppers. I like how my current mix dries out pretty quickly and doesn't hold water. Everything at the store seems to be made to retain water. I'm worried about rotting roots with all the afternoon rain here in...
Thanks Mike, I am hoping!!
When I started looking for information on growing peppers I found a pretty thorough guide. At the end it says to always grow in the shade in Florida. So I was thinking Florida sun is bad for them. Maybe "always" is over doing it a little.
Thanks Solid7 for your encouragement. I didn't think that our growing season was so long here in Central Florida. I thought that the plants would not put on and set new blossoms in the mid summer heat. After reading that you start seeds in July I am thinking about starting a few that I ordered...
This is the first time I've attempted to grow anything so I'm not familiar with how plants work. After my first several attempts I was pretty sure any full sun would quickly kill off the transplants.
After your question I tried direct sun again this morning, and they did a lot better than...